Cyber agencies unveil new guidelines to secure edge devices from increasing threat

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<ul> <li><strong>UK and international cyber security agencies issue new guidelines to counter increasing number and sophistication of malicious actors targeting edge devices.</strong></li> <li><strong>New guidance sets minimum standards for forensic visibility…

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How to pay insurance premiums for an employee if he/she quits before the end of the year from the conclusion of the voluntary health insurance contract

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Дата публикации: 04.02.2025 09:30 Это архивная публикация - она может содержать устаревшую информацию. Договор ДМС заключается отдельно по каждому работнику. Платежи по таким договорам, заключаемым на срок не менее года,…

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Busting NFP myths

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Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations with an active Australian business number (ABN) who self-assess as income tax exempt must lodge an annual NFP self-review return, from the 2023-24 income year onwards.To support…

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