Justice Department, Department of Labor, Federal Trade Commission and National Labor Relations Board Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Merger Review

The Justice Department, Department of Labor (DOL), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) have signed an interagency memorandum of understanding (MOU) to further communication and coordination between the agencies to protect American workers and promote fair competition in labor markets. Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su, Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter

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Justice Department Sues RealPage for Algorithmic Pricing Scheme that Harms Millions of American Renters

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The Justice Department, together with the Attorneys General of North Carolina, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington, filed a civil antitrust lawsuit today against RealPage Inc. for its unlawful scheme to decrease competition among landlords in apartment pricing and to monopolize the market for commercial revenue management software that landlords use to price

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Ten Additional States Join Justice Department’s Suit Against Live Nation-Ticketmaster for Monopolizing Markets Across the Live Concert Industry

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Today, the Attorneys General of Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah and Vermont joined a civil antitrust lawsuit filed by the Justice Department, 29 other states and the District of Columbia against Live Nation-Ticketmaster for monopolization and other unlawful conduct in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman

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Company Sentenced to Pay $6.5M Criminal Fine for Bid Rigging in Michigan Asphalt Industry

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A Michigan company was sentenced today to pay a criminal fine of $6.5 million for its role in conspiracies to rig bids for asphalt paving services contracts in the State of Michigan. Pontiac-based Asphalt Specialists LLC pleaded guilty for its conduct on Jan. 30. According to court documents and proceedings, the company participated in a

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Company, Executive and Employee Indicted for $100M Price-Fixing Conspiracy Involving Publicly Funded Infrastructure Projects

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A federal grand jury in Oklahoma City returned an indictment, which was unsealed today, charging Sioux Erosion Control, Inc. (Sioux), its vice president and another employee with a price-fixing conspiracy targeting over $100 million in publicly-funded transportation construction contracts across Oklahoma. According to court documents, it is alleged that Vice President BG Dale Biscoe, Randall

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