Investigation Launched on Zofunlar Beton Üretim Pazarlama San. ve Tic. AŞ, Saros Hazır Beton İnş. Madencilik San. ve Tic. AŞ and Serin Beton İnş. Taah. İnş. Malz. Hafr. Taş. Gıda San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

The Competition Board made a decision concerning the preliminary inquiry conducted with relation to the allegation that some undertakings operating in the production and sale of ready-mix concrete in the Keşan district of the Edirne province violated Article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by jointly setting prices, allocating customers

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Hearing for the Investigation concerning Arı İnovasyon ve Bilim Eğitim Hizmetleri AŞ to be Held on September 24, 2024

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The investigation, which was conducted about certain private schools operating in Kocaeli province due to the allegations of setting the tuition and meal fees jointly and restricting competition in labor markets, ended with settlement in terms of 18 private schools. Within the scope of settlement, totally 18 private schools were imposed 7.033.717,59 TL administrative fines;

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Investigation about Bilim İlaç Sanayii ve Ticaret AŞ and Drogsan İlaçları Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ Concluded

Within the scope of the investigation, which was conducted about Bilim İlaç Sanayii ve Ticaret AŞ and Drogsan İlaçları Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ according to the Competition Board decision dated  21.02.2024 and no 24-09/165-M in order to determine whether they violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition (the Act

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Investigation Conducted on Tetra Laval Holding & Finance SA and Tetra Pak Paketleme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi Concluded

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As a result of the investigation conducted on Tetra Laval Holding & Finance SA and Tetra Pak Paketleme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, it is decided, with the Board decision dated 15.08.2024 and numbered 24-33/818-M, that the economic entity comprised of TETRAPAK TÜRKİYE and TLHF holds dominant positions in the markets for “production and sale

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Investigation concerning Hamzaoğlu Kimya San. ve Tic. AŞ Concluded

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The investigation conducted into the claim that Hamzaoğlu Kimya San. ve Tic. AŞ (HAKS Kimya), which sells food supplements, baby formula, cosmetics and medical products under brands such as Nurse Harvey’s and Gifrer, violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition (the Act no 4054) by means of setting the

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