Statement about the Investigation and the Interim Measure Imposed on Mackolik Ä°nternet Hizmetleri AÅž According to Article 9 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition

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In its meeting on 10.08.2023, the Competition Board took the decision numbered 23-37/ 714-M to open an investigation on Mackolik Ä°nternet Hizmetleri AÅž to determine whether it has violated articles…

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Investigation Launched on Asmaş Ağır Sanayi Malzemeleri İmal ve Tic. AŞ, Daussan Refrakter AŞ, Haznedar Durer Refrakter Malzemeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, Kümaş Manyezit Sanayi AŞ, Piromet Pirometalurji Malzeme Refrakter Mak. San. ve Tic. AŞ and Remsan Refrakter Malzeme San. ve Tic. AŞ.

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The Competition Board concluded the preliminary inquiry conducted into the allegations that refractor material manufacturers operating in Türkiye violated Article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of…

Continue ReadingInvestigation Launched on Asmaş Ağır Sanayi Malzemeleri İmal ve Tic. AŞ, Daussan Refrakter AŞ, Haznedar Durer Refrakter Malzemeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, Kümaş Manyezit Sanayi AŞ, Piromet Pirometalurji Malzeme Refrakter Mak. San. ve Tic. AŞ and Remsan Refrakter Malzeme San. ve Tic. AŞ.

Investigation Launched on Piyano Kozmetik Kimya Tekstil Yayıncılık Reklamcılık Org. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., RRH Küçük Elektrikli Aletler Ltd. Şti., Wahl Elektrikli Aletler Tic. Ltd. Şti., 2B İnş. Müh. Taah. Tur. Gıda Teks. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti and Mehmet Salih Ay – Veysel Elektronik

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The Competition Board concluded the preliminary inquiry launched on Piyano Kozmetik Kimya Tekstil Yayıncılık Reklamcılık Org. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Åžti., RRH Küçük Elektrikli Aletler Ltd. Åžti., Wahl Elektrikli Aletler…

Continue ReadingInvestigation Launched on Piyano Kozmetik Kimya Tekstil Yayıncılık Reklamcılık Org. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., RRH Küçük Elektrikli Aletler Ltd. Şti., Wahl Elektrikli Aletler Tic. Ltd. Şti., 2B İnş. Müh. Taah. Tur. Gıda Teks. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti and Mehmet Salih Ay – Veysel Elektronik