Investigation about Erikli Su ve Meşrubat Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ and Pınar Su ve İçecek Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ Opened

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In the meeting on 21.09.2023, the Competition Board discussed the findings obtained during the preliminary inquiry conducted according to the decision dated 10.08.2023 and numbered 23-37/711-M into the claim that producers/suppliers operating in bottled water sector violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by means of determining the product prices together, and took the

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Hearing for the investigation about undertakings operating in egg production to be held on October 24, 2023

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The investigation conducted about undertakings operating in egg production to determine whether they violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition by means of certain practices restrictive of competition has reached the hearing stage. The hearing will be held on October 24, 2023 at 10:30 AM.   In accordance with

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The hearing for the investigation about the Central Association of Egg Producers, 12 local associations affiliated with the Central Association and undertakings owned by the presidents of those local associations to be held on October 25, 2023

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The investigation made to determine whether the Central Association of Egg Producers (YUMBİR), the local associations that are members of YUMBİR and the undertakings owned by the presidents of the local associations violated article 4 of the Act no 4054 by means of certain practices restrictive of competition has reached the hearing stage.  The hearing

Continue ReadingThe hearing for the investigation about the Central Association of Egg Producers, 12 local associations affiliated with the Central Association and undertakings owned by the presidents of those local associations to be held on October 25, 2023

Investigation about Samsung Electronics İstanbul Pazarlama ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, LG Electronics Ticaret AŞ and SVS Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Pazarlama ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi Concluded

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Hot News The investigation about Obilet Bilişim Sistemleri AŞ terminated upon the commitment submitted (18.8.2023) 18.8.2023 According to the Board decision dated 16.06.2022 and numbered 22-27/433-M, an investigation was opened with the claim that Obilet Bilişim Sistemleri AŞ violated article 6 of the Act no 4054 by means of determining excessive ticket sale commission rates

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The Active Cooperation Regulation Draft opened to Public Opinion

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As known, the Regulation on Active Cooperation for Detecting Cartels, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 15.02.2009 and no 21142 has been in force for more than fourteen years.  In light of the outcomes of enforcement observed since the Regulation was put into effect, the amendments to the relevant legislation, in particular settlement

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