Beatriz Anchorena, head of the AAIP, was elected president of the Committee of Convention 108 of the Council of Europe during its 47th annual meeting

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Durante la 47° reunión anual del Comité del Convenio 108 para la protección de datos personales del Consejo de Europa, Beatriz Anchorena, Titular de la AAIP, fue electa presidenta del…

Continue ReadingBeatriz Anchorena, head of the AAIP, was elected president of the Committee of Convention 108 of the Council of Europe during its 47th annual meeting

The AAIP was part of the panel organised by the OECD and the European Commission within the framework of the Global Privacy Assembly

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La AAIP participó del panel “La relevancia de la Declaración de la OCDE sobre el acceso gubernamental a datos personales para flujos de datos seguros”, organizado por la Organización para…

Continue ReadingThe AAIP was part of the panel organised by the OECD and the European Commission within the framework of the Global Privacy Assembly