The Ministry of Labor’s “Hiring Incentives” guide outlining eligibility, application methods, deadlines, benefit types, and compatibility with other bonuses for employers hiring workers

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Destinatari, modalità di richiesta, scadenze, tipologia di agevolazione prevista e cumulabilità con altri bonus.Queste le indicazioni nella guida “Gli incentivi all’assunzioneâ€ realizzata dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali…

Continue ReadingThe Ministry of Labor’s “Hiring Incentives” guide outlining eligibility, application methods, deadlines, benefit types, and compatibility with other bonuses for employers hiring workers

The Minister of Labor and Social Policies’ Decree on “Support for Training and Work,” dated August 8, 2023, was officially published in the Official Journal on August 25, 2023

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Nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 25 agosto 2023, n. 198 è stato pubblicato il decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali dell’8 agosto 2023, recante “Supporto per la formazione…

Continue ReadingThe Minister of Labor and Social Policies’ Decree on “Support for Training and Work,” dated August 8, 2023, was officially published in the Official Journal on August 25, 2023

The Interministerial Decree from August 8, 2023, implementing new social and work inclusion measures, was officially published in the Official Journal no. 198 on August 25, 2023

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Pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 198 del 25 agosto 2023, il decreto interministeriale dell’8 agosto 2023, che dà attuazione all’art 5 comma 3, del decreto-legge 4 maggio 2023, n. 48, convertito,…

Continue ReadingThe Interministerial Decree from August 8, 2023, implementing new social and work inclusion measures, was officially published in the Official Journal no. 198 on August 25, 2023

The Decree from the President of the Council of Ministers dated July 19, 2023, allowing a 40,000 quota increase for seasonal subordinate work, was published in the Official Journal no. 189 on August 14, 2023

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Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 189 del 14 agosto 2023 il decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri del 19 luglio 2023, che prevede un aumento di 40mila quote per lavoro subordinato stagionale. Le…

Continue ReadingThe Decree from the President of the Council of Ministers dated July 19, 2023, allowing a 40,000 quota increase for seasonal subordinate work, was published in the Official Journal no. 189 on August 14, 2023