Google and Meta administrative lawsuit related to collection and use of behavioral information without consent, Personal Information Protection Commission wins New article

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- 1 -보도자료보도시점배포 즉시 보도배포2025. 1. 23.(목)동 의 없 는 행 태 정 보 수 집·이 용 관 련구글‧메타 행정소송, 개인정보위 승소-서울행정법원, 구글‧메타가 제기한 1,000억 원대 과징금 등 취소 청구…

Continue ReadingGoogle and Meta administrative lawsuit related to collection and use of behavioral information without consent, Personal Information Protection Commission wins New article

Promoting the activation of the seasonal work system in agricultural and fishing villages, including expanding the scope of work permitted for seasonal workers

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- 1 -보도자료보도시점 배포 즉시 보도배포 2024. 11. 26.(화)계절근로자 업무 허용범위 확대 등 농・어촌 계절근로 제도 활성화 추진 ▲ 공공형 계절근로 업무 허용범위 확대, 최소임금보장기준 합리적 조정, 결혼이민자 초청방식 개선…

Continue ReadingPromoting the activation of the seasonal work system in agricultural and fishing villages, including expanding the scope of work permitted for seasonal workers