Accessibility Arcep publishes indicators of use and quality of telephone services accessible to deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and aphasic people in the 3rd quarter of 2024

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Téléchargez les indicateurs 1. ContexteL’obligation pour les opérateurs de fournir une offre de services de communications électroniques accessible aux personnes sourdes, malentendantes, sourdaveugles et aphasiques permettant d’émettre et de recevoir…

Continue ReadingAccessibility Arcep publishes indicators of use and quality of telephone services accessible to deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and aphasic people in the 3rd quarter of 2024

Optical fiber Access to the FttH fiber network and principle of non-discrimination: Arcep presents its first assessment of the operational processes of the Iliad group 

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L’Arcep mène auprès des opérateurs d’infrastructures des audits de leurs systèmes d’information (SI) des réseaux en fibre optique jusqu’à l’abonné (FttH). Ces audits ont pour objectif de s’assurer du traitement…

Continue ReadingOptical fiber Access to the FttH fiber network and principle of non-discrimination: Arcep presents its first assessment of the operational processes of the Iliad group 

Market analysis: The Council of State rejects all appeals filed against Arcep’s decision modifying the economic conditions of access to Orange’s local loop civil engineering 

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Par sa décision du 14 novembre 2024, le Conseil d’Etat rejette les recours des sociétés Colt Techonology services, Eurofiber France, Ielo-Liazo-Services, Lumen Technologies France et Celeste dirigés contre la décision…

Continue ReadingMarket analysis: The Council of State rejects all appeals filed against Arcep’s decision modifying the economic conditions of access to Orange’s local loop civil engineering 

“Our approach as a regulator is one of a lively and constructive dialogue with data intermediation service providers, in order to implement pragmatic and responsive regulation, as close as possible to the realities on the ground” Opening speech of the data intermediation morning by Laure de La Raudière, President of Arcep

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Madame la Directrice Générale Adjointe de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations,Monsieur le Président de l’AID,Mesdames et Messieurs,Je suis très heureuse d’être avec vous ce matin pour cet évènement organisé…

Continue Reading“Our approach as a regulator is one of a lively and constructive dialogue with data intermediation service providers, in order to implement pragmatic and responsive regulation, as close as possible to the realities on the ground” Opening speech of the data intermediation morning by Laure de La Raudière, President of Arcep