The ACPR once again warns against false financial guarantee certificates and irregular financial guarantee certificates

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Communiqué de presse Paris, le 23 décembre 2024 L’ACPR met de nouveau en garde contre de fausses attestations de garantie financière et des attestations de garantie financière irrégulière L’Autorité de…

Continue ReadingThe ACPR once again warns against false financial guarantee certificates and irregular financial guarantee certificates

ACPR welcomes the results of the EIOPA stress test exercise measuring the resilience of the European insurance sector to the economic and financial consequences of an episode of high tensions

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P a g e 1 | 1 Communiqué de presse Paris, le 20 décembre 2024 L’ACPR salue les résultats de l’exercice de stress -test de l’AEAPP mesurant la résistance du…

Continue ReadingACPR welcomes the results of the EIOPA stress test exercise measuring the resilience of the European insurance sector to the economic and financial consequences of an episode of high tensions

Financial scams: authorities mobilized in the fight against this massive phenomenon which traps more and more individuals

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1/4 COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Paris, le 19 décembre 2024 Arnaques financières : les autorités mobilisées dans la lutte contre ce phénomène massif qui piège de plus en plus de particuliers…

Continue ReadingFinancial scams: authorities mobilized in the fight against this massive phenomenon which traps more and more individuals