CRE CoRDiS sanctions Danske and Equinor for breach of European regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency – REMIT – on the wholesale gas market

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Le CoRDiS de la CRE sanctionne les sociétés Danske et Equinor pour manquement au règlement européen concernant l’intégrité et la transparence du marché de gros de l’énergie – REMIT –…

Continue ReadingCRE CoRDiS sanctions Danske and Equinor for breach of European regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency – REMIT – on the wholesale gas market

Postponement of the publication of new tariffs and premiums relating to photovoltaic installations in mainland France installed on buildings, hangars or shade structures, with an installed peak power of less than or equal to 500 kW

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Report de la publication des nouveaux tarifs et primes relatifs aux installations photovoltaïques en métropole continentale implantées sur bâtiment, hangar ou ombrière, d'une puissance crête installée inférieure ou égale à…

Continue ReadingPostponement of the publication of new tariffs and premiums relating to photovoltaic installations in mainland France installed on buildings, hangars or shade structures, with an installed peak power of less than or equal to 500 kW