‘Big Tech a priority’ says FCA Chief Executive

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In a speech delivered today, the FCA's Chief Executive Nikhil Rathi announced the regulator's plans to examine how Big Tech firms’ unique access to large sets of data could unlock better products, more competitive prices and wider choice for consumers and businesses. The speech at a Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) event outlined Nikhil Rathi’s

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New way of paying for investment research proposed by the financial regulator

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The FCA has put forward plans for a new way to pay for investment research.  Analysis by the FCA shows that asset managers are largely getting the research they need under the current rules.  However, the current options available to UK asset managers can be operationally complex and may, in some instances, favour larger asset

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Improving picture for personal finances, but many still struggling

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New research from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found that while many are struggling to meet financial commitments, the picture has improved over the last year. The regulator found 7.4m people were struggling to pay bills and credit repayments in January 2024, down from 10.9m in January 2023. This is still higher than the

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FCA warns firms and finfluencers to keep their social media ads lawful

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Guidance for memes, reels and gaming streams promoting financial services has been published by the FCA today. The FCA has set out how adverts across social media channels must be fair, clear and not misleading, meaning they must have balance and carry the right risk warnings so people can make well informed financial decisions. Social

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