Purchasing a retirement village as a GST-free going concern
If you purchase an operating retirement village as a GST-free supply going concern, you will have an increasing adjustment for GST if you plan to make input taxed supplies through…
If you purchase an operating retirement village as a GST-free supply going concern, you will have an increasing adjustment for GST if you plan to make input taxed supplies through…
Purchasing real property in AustraliaForeign resident capital gains withholding (FRCGW) is a tax and applies to vendors selling or disposing of certain taxable property.If you are purchasing real property (property)…
About vendor declarationsWhen selling assets other than taxable Australian real property, the vendor may provide the purchaser with a vendor declaration to specify foreign resident capital gains withholding (FRCGW) isn’t…
Clearance certificates for Australian residentsAll Australian residents (for tax purposes) selling or disposing of Australian real property (property) must have a clearance certificate and give it to the purchaser at,…
On 14 May 2024, as part of the 2024–25 Budget, the Government announced changes to accelerate investment in Future Made in Australia priority industries. These changes are not yet law.Hydrogen…