Os produtos importados sujeitos à vigilância sanitária destinados ao comércio, à indústria ou ao consumo direto precisam ter a anuência (autorização) da Anvisa para sua importação. Clique aqui para saber mais sobre o assunto.
Com o objetivo de orientar empresas e importadores, bem como tirar dúvidas, a Agência irá realizar, no dia 20 de fevereiro, um webinar sobre as normas para anuência de importação de produtos.
Para participar, basta clicar no link abaixo, no dia e horário agendados. Não é preciso fazer cadastro prévio.
Dia 20/2, às 10h – Anuência de importação de produtos sujeitos à intervenção sanitária – regularizações e autorizações da Anvisa
O webinar é um seminário virtual que tem como objetivo fortalecer as iniciativas de transparência da Anvisa, levando conteúdo e conhecimento atualizados ao público. A transmissão é via web e a interação com os usuários é feita em tempo real, por um chat realizado durante o evento.
Confira a página específica de webinares realizados pela Agência.
On February 20, 2023, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) is hosting a webinar to guide companies and importers on norms for importing products subject to health surveillance. The webinar aims to clarify regulations and authorizations required for importing such products. This event marks an initiative by Anvisa to strengthen transparency efforts, providing updated content and knowledge directly to its audience through real-time chat interaction during the webcast.
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The purpose of this document is to inform importers, exporters, and businesses operating in Brazil that certain imported products subject to sanitary surveillance require prior approval from the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) before being imported into the country. This notice aims to educate and guide companies on the necessary regulations for importing such goods.
Effects on Industry
The implications of this update are significant, affecting industries involved in the importation and distribution of products subject to sanitary surveillance. Companies that fail to obtain prior approval from ANVISA risk facing fines, penalties, or even product confiscation. On the other hand, businesses that comply with these regulations will be able to operate smoothly, without interruptions or delays caused by non-compliance. The webinar scheduled for February 20th aims to provide clarity and guidance on the necessary procedures, ensuring a smoother transition for importers and exporters.
Relevant Stakeholders
Importers, exporters, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers involved in the trade of products subject to sanitary surveillance are directly affected by this update. These stakeholders must be aware of the new regulations and comply with ANVISA’s requirements to avoid any adverse consequences. Additionally, businesses operating in related industries, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food production, should also take note of these changes.
Next Steps
To ensure compliance with the updated regulations, companies involved in importing products subject to sanitary surveillance must:
- Register for ANVISA’s webinar on February 20th to gain a better understanding of the necessary procedures.
- Familiarize themselves with ANVISA’s guidelines and requirements for product authorization.
- Submit their applications for prior approval well in advance, allowing sufficient time for processing and clearance.
Any Other Relevant Information
It is worth noting that ANVISA has been actively promoting transparency and awareness through webinars, aiming to educate stakeholders on the necessary regulations and procedures. This initiative demonstrates the agency’s commitment to providing support and guidance to businesses operating within its jurisdiction. Furthermore, future updates or changes to these regulations may be announced through similar webinars or official channels, ensuring that stakeholders remain informed and up-to-date with the latest developments.