
Here is a summary of the provided document:


The President of the Financial Action Task Force (Gafi), T. Raja Kumar, emphasized the opportunity for Brazil to strengthen the global effort to promote integrity in finance as the leader of the G20. Brazil's priorities include reducing poverty, promoting green finance, and digitalizing its economy. Gafi works closely with the G20 to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The organization supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to reduce illicit financial flows and recover stolen assets. Gafi also plays a role in promoting green finance, combating environmental crime, and contributing to global efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies and ensure consistent application of anti-money laundering regulations.

Key Points:

Brazil's presidency of the G20 provides an opportunity to strengthen global efforts to promote integrity in finance.
Gafi works closely with the G20 to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Gafi supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to reduce illicit financial flows and recover stolen assets.
Gafi promotes green finance and contributes to global efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies and ensure consistent application of anti-money laundering regulations.
* The organization aims to implement its standards to recover and reinvest stolen assets in infrastructure, education, or other areas to stimulate social and economic development.

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Como atual líder do G20, o Brasil tem uma oportunidade de ouro para fortalecer o trabalho de promoção da integridade financeira global desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Ação Financeira (Gafi), “em linha com suas próprias prioridades de redução da pobreza, finanças verdes e digitalização da economia”. A afirmação foi feita pelo presidente do Gafi, T. Raja


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Como atual líder do G20, o Brasil tem uma oportunidade de ouro para fortalecer o trabalho de promoção da integridade financeira global desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Ação Financeira (Gafi), “em linha com suas próprias prioridades de redução da pobreza, finanças verdes e digitalização da economia”. A afirmação foi feita pelo presidente do Gafi, T. Raja


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Financial Activities Control Council (COAF)

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