
On January 21, 2025, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies announced the official start of the new three-year mandate of the National Council for the Third Sector (CNTS). The council consists of 74 designated members, with Minister Marina Calderone and Vice-Minister Maria Teresa Bellucci attending to welcome the new members and thank the outgoing ones.

Con l’insediamento dei 74 componenti designati ha ufficialmente preso avvio il nuovo mandato triennale del Consiglio Nazionale del Terzo Settore (CNTS). Presenti il Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali Marina Calderone e il Viceministro Maria Teresa Bellucci, Presidente del Consiglio Nazionale, che hanno portato i loro ringraziamenti ai membri uscenti e i migliori auguri di buon lavoro ai nuovi componenti.Il Ministro Calderone ha sottolineato l’attenzione che il Governo ha voluto riservare al Terzo Settore "per la prossimità degli enti ai bisogni delle persone, fondamentale per l’attuazione e il costante miglioramento delle politiche sociali e lavorative che il Ministero sta perseguendo". Un ruolo "oggi ancora più rafforzato dal RUNTS, strumento di garanzia per i cittadini" ha continuato il Ministro, ricordando la rilevanza del lavoro che attende il nuovo CNTS: "Sono certa che il Consiglio saprà svolgere egregiamente il mandato grazie alle molteplici competenze al suo interno che sono espressione delle diverse realtà del Terzo Settore, della pubblica amministrazione e del mondo delle professioni". Nel suo intervento, il Viceministro Bellucci ha sottolineato la volontà di portare avanti il costruttivo dialogo instaurato sin dall’inizio della legislatura. “Sarà nostro compito – ha affermato – lavorare insieme e monitorare l’attuazione delle politiche, riformandole laddove necessario, nel solco di quanto fatto in questi 2 anni di Governo anche attraverso la prima legge di riforma del Codice del Terzo Settore, approvata a luglio 2024 e l'azione di rafforzamento del ruolo del CNTS come sede istituzionale di analisi e confronto. E ancora, con l’Open RUNTS, iniziativa con cui abbiamo aperto a tutti i cittadini il Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore per garantire maggiore trasparenza e la concreta azione di promozione dell’amministrazione condivisa tra enti pubblici ed ETS. Tanti gli obiettivi raggiunti insieme e altrettanti quelli futuri per continuare a valorizzare, promuovere, tutelare e semplificare la vita del mondo della solidarietà sociale, favorendo così la libera iniziativa dei cittadini associati nella costruzione del bene comune”.

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The new mandate triennale of the Consiglio Nazionale del Terzo Settore (CNTS) has officially begun, marking a significant development in the Italian non-profit sector. The purpose of this update is to establish a new three-year term for the CNTS, with a renewed focus on promoting and supporting the Third Sector.

The establishment of the 74 designated members has marked the beginning of a new era for the CNTS, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and cooperation between public authorities, non-profit organizations, and professionals. The Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, and the Vice-Minister, Maria Teresa Bellucci, have officially launched the new mandate, emphasizing the importance of the Third Sector in implementing and improving social and labor policies.

Effects on Industry
The effects of this update will be significant for the Italian non-profit sector, with far-reaching implications for organizations, professionals, and citizens. The establishment of a new mandate triennale will provide a stable framework for the CNTS to operate within, enabling it to better coordinate and support the Third Sector.

The increased emphasis on cooperation and collaboration between public authorities, non-profit organizations, and professionals is expected to lead to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in the sector. The RUNTS ( Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore) will continue to play a crucial role in this process, providing a standardized platform for registering and monitoring Third Sector entities.

The Open RUNTS initiative has further enhanced transparency and accountability within the sector, allowing citizens to access information on registered organizations and promoting collaboration between public authorities and non-profit entities. This increased focus on openness and cooperation is expected to lead to improved relationships between stakeholders, leading to better outcomes for citizens and communities.

Relevant Stakeholders
The following stakeholders are affected by this update:

  • Third Sector organizations: The establishment of a new mandate triennale will provide a stable framework for the CNTS to operate within, enabling it to better coordinate and support the Third Sector.
  • Professionals: The increased emphasis on cooperation and collaboration between public authorities, non-profit organizations, and professionals is expected to lead to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in the sector.
  • Citizens: The RUNTS and Open RUNTS initiatives have enhanced transparency and accountability within the sector, allowing citizens to access information on registered organizations and promoting collaboration between public authorities and non-profit entities.

Next Steps
To comply with or respond to this update, stakeholders are advised to:

  • Review the new mandate triennale and familiarize themselves with its provisions.
  • Engage in dialogue with the CNTS and other stakeholders to explore opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.
  • Utilize the RUNTS and Open RUNTS platforms to access information on registered organizations and promote collaboration between public authorities and non-profit entities.

Any Other Relevant Information
In addition to the above, it is worth noting that:

  • The establishment of a new mandate triennale marks a significant development in the Italian non-profit sector.
  • The increased emphasis on cooperation and collaboration between public authorities, non-profit organizations, and professionals is expected to lead to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in the sector.
  • The RUNTS and Open RUNTS initiatives have enhanced transparency and accountability within the sector, allowing citizens to access information on registered organizations and promoting collaboration between public authorities and non-profit entities.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

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