يُعلن البنك المركزي السعودي "ساما" الترخيص لشركة "نما المتحدة للتمويل" لمزاولة نشاط التمويل العقاري، وتمويل الأصول الإنتاجية، وتمويل نشاط المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة، والإيجار التمويلي، والتمويل الاستهلاكي، ليصبح إجمالي عدد شركات التمويل المرخصة 64 شركة.ويأتي هذا القرار، في إطار سعي البنك المركزي إلى دعم قطاع التمويل وتمكينه لرفع مستوى فاعلية التعاملات المالية ومرونتها، وتشجيع الابتكار في الخدمات المالية المقدمة؛ بهدف تعزيز مستوى الشمول المالي في المملكة، ووصول الخدمات المالية إلى جميع شرائح المجتمع.ويؤكد البنك المركزي السعودي أهمية التعامل مع المؤسسات المالية المرخصة أو المصرح لها من "ساما"، ويمكن التحقق من ذلك عبر زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني.
"On January 16, 2025, the Saudi Central Bank issued an update regarding the licensing of Nama United Finance Company. This decision aims to support and enable the financing sector, promoting financial inclusion and accessibility to all segments of society." "Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of dealing with licensed or authorized institutions from SAMA, and users can verify this information on the bank's website."
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The Saudi Central Bank, also known as Sama, has issued a license to NAMA United for Financial Services allowing the company to engage in mortgage finance, productive asset financing, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) financing, leasing finance, and consumer finance. This move aims to support the financial sector by promoting innovation and efficiency in financial services, ultimately enhancing the country’s financial inclusion and accessibility of services to various segments of society.
Effects on Industry:
The granting of this license will have a significant impact on the Saudi Arabian financial industry, particularly in the areas of mortgage finance, SMEs financing, and consumer finance. It will increase competition among financial institutions and encourage them to innovate and improve their services to meet the evolving needs of customers. This, in turn, is expected to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the financial system, making it more responsive to the demands of the Saudi economy.
Relevant Stakeholders:
The license granted by Sama will directly affect NAMA United for Financial Services, which has now become a fully-fledged licensed financial institution. However, other stakeholders in the industry, such as existing mortgage finance companies and SMEs financing institutions, may also be impacted indirectly due to increased competition. Moreover, consumers, particularly those seeking mortgage loans or looking to invest in productive assets, will benefit from the enhanced services offered by NAMA United.
Next Steps:
To comply with this development, financial service providers and customers should expect a range of new products and services designed to meet the evolving needs of the Saudi economy. This includes NAMA United’s offerings in mortgage finance, SMEs financing, leasing finance, and consumer finance. Financial institutions may also need to adjust their strategies and operations to remain competitive in light of this increased competition.
Any Other Relevant Information:
The decision by Sama to license NAMA United for Financial Services is part of a broader effort to promote financial inclusion and innovation within the Saudi Arabian economy. It reflects the bank’s commitment to supporting the development of a more efficient, effective, and inclusive financial system that benefits all segments of society. As such, this move is likely to be followed by further initiatives aimed at enhancing the country’s financial infrastructure and promoting economic growth.