The Director of OECD-GVH Regional Center for Competition in Hungary (GVH-OECD RCC), Ms. María CANEDO and the President of the Competition Authority Mr. Birol KÜLE had an online meeting on 13.10.2023, where they discussed the methods for possible cooperation. In the meeting, which was very efficient, Ms. CANEDO stated that they wanted to work with the Competition Authority to benefit from the Authority’s experiences.
GVH-OECD RCC is one of the three regional centers of OECD, which were established to increase the capacities of competition authorities. It is a joint venture between the Competition Authority of Hungary (GVH) and the OECD.
Reaching a total of 16 countries in the region, GVH-OECD RCC provides capacity developing supports and policy recommendations to especially non-OECD member beneficiaries through workshops, seminars and training programs on competition law and policy for officials in competition authorities and in other government institutions, sector regulators and judges.
Mr. KÜLE and Ms. CANEDO discussed possible cooperation in this context. Accordingly, there has been an agreement in principle in the following issues:
- Contributions to newsletter published biannually by GVH-OECD RCC where experts from the competition authorities of other countries share their experiences about competition enforcement and advocacy,
- Sending speakers from the Competition Authority to the training organized for beneficiary countries six times a year and
- Organization of a joint seminar by the Competition Authority and GVH-OECD RCC in Istanbul.