
On 15/01/2025, the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) issued an update regarding Single Certification and Annual VAT Declaration - The definitive models for the 2025 season are online. The agency has approved the Single Certification and VAT declaration to be used this year, making them available on their website along with technical specifications and a "package" related to Value-Added Tax (VAT).

Comunicato stampa del 15 gennaio 2025

Certificazione Unica e Dichiarazione annuale Iva. Online i modelli definitivi per la stagione 2025
Approvati la Certificazione unica e la dichiarazione Iva da utilizzare quest’anno. Con due provvedimenti, l’Agenzia delle Entrate mette a disposizione sul proprio sito la versione definitiva della CU 2025, insieme alle specifiche tecniche, e il “pacchetto” relativo all’Imposta sul valore aggiunto: il modello Iva e la versione semplificata “Iva base”.
La nuova Certificazione unica – New entry della Cu 2025 il “bonus tredicesima”, l’indennità di importo fino a 100 euro riconosciuta per il 2024 ai titolari di reddito di lavoro dipendente con particolari condizioni economiche e familiari. La Cu è stata inoltre aggiornata per tenere conto delle novità che lo scorso anno hanno interessato la disciplina del lavoro sportivo dilettantistico e professionistico e quella dei fringe benefit ai dipendenti. Un apposito campo è riservato al trattamento integrativo speciale erogato ai lavoratori del settore turistico, ricettivo e termale. Il modello fa infine spazio all’imposta sostitutiva sui compensi per le prestazioni aggiuntive del personale sanitario.
I modelli Iva 2025 – In veste definitiva anche i modelli Iva e Iva base 2025, quest’ultimo destinato ai contribuenti che nel corso del 2024 hanno determinato l’imposta secondo le regole generali. Tra le novità, il quadro “VO” tiene conto delle opzioni per le organizzazioni di volontariato e le associazioni di promozione sociale che hanno scelto il regime speciale e per le imprese giovanili in agricoltura che hanno adottato il regime agevolato.
Roma, 15 gennaio 2025

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The Italian Revenue Agency has released definitive models for the 2025 tax season, including the Unique Certification (Certificazione Unica) and Annual IVA Declaration. These updates aim to provide a streamlined process for taxpayers and businesses to fulfill their tax obligations.

Effects on Industry:

The new Certificazione Unica features an updated “bonus tredicesima” provision, which recognizes a 100-euro indemnity for workers with specific economic and family conditions. Additionally, the certification has been revised to reflect changes in labor laws related to sports and fringe benefits. This update will primarily impact small businesses, freelancers, and individuals who rely on these tax credits.

The new IVA models (IVA and IVA Base) have also been finalized, introducing a “VO” section that accounts for options available to volunteer organizations, social promotion associations, and young agricultural enterprises operating under favorable conditions. This development is expected to impact businesses in the agritourism sector and those with special tax arrangements.

Relevant Stakeholders:

The Unique Certification and IVA Declaration updates will affect various stakeholders:

  • Taxpayers and business owners relying on specific economic and family conditions for tax benefits
  • Freelancers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs operating in the tourism, hospitality, and agriculture sectors
  • Volunteer organizations, social promotion associations, and young agricultural enterprises with special tax arrangements

Next Steps:

To comply with these updates, taxpayers and businesses should:

  • Utilize the new Certificazione Unica and IVA models for the 2025 tax season
  • Review their eligibility for the “bonus tredicesima” provision or other tax credits and benefits
  • Ensure accurate reporting of labor-related expenses and fringe benefits

Any Other Relevant Information:

The Italian Revenue Agency has published the definitive models, along with technical specifications, on its official website. Taxpayers and businesses are encouraged to consult these resources for detailed information and guidance.

Moreover, it is essential for stakeholders to remain aware of future updates, revisions, or changes that might affect their tax obligations or benefits. Regular monitoring of official government announcements will help mitigate any potential disruptions.

Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)

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