
On May 2, 2025, the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) issued an update regarding "Publication of “Biohealth Report” to expand the value of connected health". The report aims to share and disseminate the value of connected health, which involves integrating healthcare services through digital technology and personal health information. This initiative is part of KHIDI's efforts to address various problems in the healthcare industry.

커넥티드헬스의 가치 확산을 위한 「바이오헬스리포트」 발간
– 모두가 누리는 건강 : Connected Health가 제안하는 도전과 기회 –

□ 한국보건산업진흥원(원장 차순도, 이하 진흥원)은 커넥티드헬스(Connected Health) 가치 공유 및 확산을 위한 바이오헬스리포트 '모두가 누리는 건강: Connected Health가 제안하는 도전과 기회'를 발간했다고 밝혔다.

○ 진흥원은 보건의료분야가 직면한 여러 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 '커넥티드헬스(Connected Health)*'에 주목하고, 이와 관련한 연구를 추진해왔다. 이번 바이오헬스리포트는 그동안 연구에 참여한 전문가들의 견해와 연구 결과를 바탕으로 커넥티드헬스의 가치 공유와 확산을 위해 발간되었다.

* 커넥티드헬스(Connected Health)란 개인건강정보와 디지털기술을 바탕으로 헬스케어 커뮤니티 구성요소 간 연결성을 확대하여, 지역사회 중심의 건강·의료·돌봄 통합연계형 서비스를 실행하는 것

○ 리포트에는 커넥티드 헬스 추진배경 및 필요성(진흥원 이관익 단장), 커넥티드 헬스의 미래와 비전(서울대학교 조비룡 교수), 일상생활 속의 커넥티드헬스((주)가지랩 김영인 대표), 커뮤니티 중심의 의료·요양·돌봄 연계를 위한 커넥티드 케어(분당서울대학교병원 이혜진 교수), 커넥티드헬스 구현을 위한 의료기관 간 네트워크(인하대학교 이동욱 교수), 커넥티드 헬스에서의 개인 데이터 서비스와 저장소의 중요성(가톨릭대학교 고태훈 교수)에 대한 내용을 담고 있으며, 해당 발간물은 진흥원 홈페이지(를 통해 확인할 수 있다.

○ 진흥원 송태균 바이오헬스혁신본부장은 "이번 발간물이 사람 중심의 건강생태계를 구축하는 커넥티드헬스의 가치에 대해 공감하는 계기가 되어, 향후 커넥티드헬스 관련 정책 및 사업을 추진함에 있어 이해관계자들의 적극적인 지지와 참여를 당부한다"고 전했다.

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The purpose of this update is to announce the publication of the “Biohealth Report” by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), which aims to promote the value of Connected Health and its application in achieving a society where everyone can enjoy good health.

Effects on Industry
The publication of the Biohealth Report is expected to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry, as it highlights the importance of Connected Health in addressing various challenges facing the sector. The report’s findings and recommendations are likely to influence policy-making and business decisions related to digital health, data-driven healthcare services, and community-based care models. This update may lead to increased investment and innovation in Connected Health initiatives, ultimately benefiting patients and providers alike.

Relevant Stakeholders
The stakeholders affected by this update include:

  • Healthcare professionals: The report’s emphasis on Connected Health may influence their practice and decision-making processes.
  • Patients: The focus on community-based care models and data-driven healthcare services may lead to improved patient outcomes and experiences.
  • Policymakers: The publication of the Biohealth Report is likely to inform policy decisions related to digital health, healthcare innovation, and community-based care initiatives.
  • Healthcare organizations: The report’s recommendations may encourage them to adopt Connected Health strategies and invest in digital health technologies.

Next Steps
To comply with or respond to this update, relevant stakeholders should:

  • Familiarize themselves with the Biohealth Report’s key findings and recommendations.
  • Engage with policymakers and industry leaders to discuss the implementation of Connected Health initiatives.
  • Consider investing in digital health technologies and community-based care models.
  • Develop strategies for addressing the challenges and opportunities highlighted in the report.

Any Other Relevant Information
The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) has been actively promoting research on Connected Health, which emphasizes the importance of connecting healthcare services through digital technologies. The Biohealth Report is a culmination of this effort and aims to provide insights and guidance for policymakers, industry leaders, and healthcare professionals. The report’s publication marks an important step towards creating a society where everyone can enjoy good health, and its implications will continue to shape the healthcare industry in the years to come.

Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI)

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