

The Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has extended the public consultation for updating the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity (Epanb) until October 31st on the Participa+Brasil platform. The consultation aims to gather contributions on conservation actions and sustainable use of natural resources to update the Epanb strategy aligned with the new Global Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework. The framework was adopted in December 2022 at the 15th Conference of Parties (COP-15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which sets four goals to be achieved by 2050, including maintaining and restoring ecosystem integrity, using biodiversity sustainably, and promoting fair and equitable sharing of genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The Epanb strategy and action plan are instruments for monitoring progress in implementing the framework and require internalization of international objectives through dialogue and consultation with various sectors.


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Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

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