
On 17/01/2025, the Bank Indonesia (BI) issued an update regarding Prompt Manufacturing Index – BI Q4 2024 Manufacturing Industry Performance Remains Maintained. The index for Q4 2024 remained high at 51.58%, with a majority of components in expansion phase, including Volume Stock Finished Goods, Total Order Volume, Production Volume, and Incoming Order Volume Input.

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Page ContentNo. 27/12/DKom Kinerja Lapangan Usaha (LU) Industri Pengolahan pada triwulan IV 2024 tetap terjaga dan berada pada fase ekspansi (indeks >50%), tecermin dari PMI-BI triwulan IV 2024 sebesar 51,58%. Berdasarkan komponen pembentuknya, mayoritas komponen berada pada fase ekspansi yaitu Volume Persediaan Barang Jadi, Volume Total Pesanan, Volume Produksi, dan Penerimaan Barang Pesanan Input. Berdasarkan Sublapangan Usaha (Sub-LU), sebagian besar Sub-LU berada pada fase ekspansi dan menopang kinerja PMI-BI, dengan indeks tertinggi pada Industri Furnitur, diikuti Industri Mesin dan Perlengkapan, serta Industri Kulit, Barang dari Kulit dan Alas Kaki. Perkembangan tersebut sejalan dengan hasil Survei Kegiatan Dunia Usaha (SKDU) Bank Indonesia yang mengindikasikan kinerja kegiatan LU Industri Pengolahan tetap tumbuh dengan nilai Saldo Bersih Tertimbang (SBT) sebesar 0,93%.Pada triwulan I 2025, kinerja LU Industri Pengolahan diprakirakan meningkat dan berada pada fase ekspansi yang tecermin dari PMI-BI sebesar 51,97%. Berdasarkan komponen pembentuknya, mayoritas komponen diprakirakan berada pada fase ekspansi dengan indeks tertinggi pada komponen Volume Persediaan Barang Jadi, Volume Total Pesanan, Volume Produksi, dan Permintaan Barang Pesanan Input, sementara komponen Jumlah Tenaga Kerja diprakirakan membaik meski masih berada pada fase kontraksi. Mayoritas Sub-LU juga diprakirakan berada pada fase ekspansi, dengan indeks tertinggi pada Industri Mesin dan Perlengkapan, diikuti Industri Kertas dan Barang dari Kertas, Percetakan dan Reproduksi Media Rekaman serta Industri Furnitur.Hasil lengkap survei dapat dilihat dalam Prompt Ma​nufacturing Index​ di website Bank Indonesia. Jakarta, 17 Januari 2025Departemen KomunikasiRamdan Denny PrakosoDirektur Eksekutif

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The Indonesian manufacturing sector, specifically the Industrial Processing business field, has maintained its performance level and remains in an expansion phase as indicated by a PMI-BI index of 51.58% in the fourth quarter of 2024. This is primarily due to the majority of its components being in an expansion phase.

Effects on Industry:
The manufacturing sector’s performance has positively impacted various industries, with most sub-sectors being in an expansion phase and contributing to the overall growth. The key sectors that have shown significant improvement include furniture production, machinery and equipment manufacturing, and leather goods and footwear industries. These sectors are expected to continue their upward trend into 2025.

Relevant Stakeholders:
The stakeholders affected by this development include businesses operating in the industrial processing sector, particularly those involved in the production of furniture, machinery and equipment, and leather goods and footwear. Additionally, consumers who rely on these products for their daily needs are also impacted.

Next Steps:
In light of this information, businesses within the industrial processing sector should continue to adapt to changing market conditions and explore opportunities for growth and expansion. They should also maintain a focus on quality control and production efficiency to meet increasing demand.

Any Other Relevant Information:
The Bank Indonesia’s Survey of Business Activities (SKDU) has reported that the manufacturing sector continues to grow, with a positive Saldo Bersih Tertimbang (SBT) value of 0.93% in the first quarter of 2025. This suggests a continued upward trend for the industry, and businesses should be prepared to capitalize on this growth by investing in new technologies and expanding their product offerings.

Bank Indonesia (BI)

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