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The Programa de Alimentau00e7u00e3o do Trabalhador (PAT) has undergone recent changes with the publication of Decree No. 11.678, which altered previously established provisions in Decree 10.854/21. The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) highlights that portability and interoperability, as specified in Article 1-A of Law No. 6.321/76, only apply to payment services within the PAT, and do not extend to payment services for food allowance, as specified in Article 457 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). The MTE emphasizes that the portability provisions in the decree still require additional regulations to be implemented, which will depend on the CMN's guidelines. Until the specific regulation is published, workers will not be able to effectively port their payment cards (food/alimentation). The MTE will also regulate other PATrelated issues and is undergoing a normative review process to modernize the PAT, improve its mechanisms, and strengthen compliance with its primary objective of promoting workers' health and nutritional security.
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