
Here is a summary of the document:


The Italian government is strongly rejecting the EU's proposed regulation on packaging, considering it to be unacceptable. Italy has a successful circular economy model for managing packaging waste, which is one of the best in the EU, and has invested heavily in improving its recycling infrastructure through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The government is calling for an ambitious approach that avoids arbitrary measures that could harm the vital and virtuous Italian packaging sector.

“Restiamo fermamente convinti della irricevibilità della proposta di regolamento sugli imballaggi voluta dall’UE. L’Italia è fortemente impegnata nel settore dell’economia circolare ed ha un modello di gestione dei rifiuti da imballaggio che rappresenta un’eccellenza a livello UE. Il PNRR prevede, inoltre, investimenti per 2,1 miliardi di euro per migliorare ulteriormente la capacità di gestione e l’ammodernamento dell’impiantistica per il riciclo. Sì, pertanto, ad un approccio ambizioso, ma evitare impostazioni arbitrarie che rischiano di minare un settore importante e virtuoso dell’economia italiana”.

Così il viceministro all’Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica Vannia Gava sul voto di oggi in UE in Commissione ENVI.


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Title: Italy Rejects EU’s Packaging Regulation Proposal

The Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has expressed strong opposition to the European Union’s (EU) proposed regulation on packaging. The Ministry is convinced that the proposal is unfavourable and may undermine Italy’s established model for managing packaging waste, which is considered a benchmark within the EU.

Italy has been actively engaged in promoting the circular economy and has investments worth 2.1 billion euros planned for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) to enhance the country’s waste management capacity and modernize recycling facilities. The Ministry argues that any ambitious approach to the regulation should avoid arbitrary settings that could compromise the success of Italy’s virtuous packaging sector.

The statement was made by Vannia Gava, the Italian Undersecretary for Environment and Energy Security, during a voting session in the EU’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI). The Ministry emphasized the importance of considering Italy’s unique situation and expertise in managing packaging waste, which sets an example for other EU member states.

Key points:

Italy opposes the EU’s proposed regulation on packaging
Italy has a well-established model for managing packaging waste, considered a benchmark within the EU
The country has invested heavily in the circular economy and plans to enhance its waste management capacity
The Ministry warns against arbitrary settings that could compromise the success of Italy’s virtuous packaging sector
* The opposition is expressed by Vannia Gava, the Italian Undersecretary for Environment and Energy Security, during a voting session in the EU’s ENVI Committee.

Please note that I don’t have any additional information on the specific regulation proposal or the ENVI Committee’s voting outcome.

Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security

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