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Summary: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Enforcement Orders and Notices

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) issues orders and notices to prohibit parties from participating in the affairs of federally insured credit unions or to cease and desist from unsafe or unsound practices. These orders can include requirements to take action, make restitution, or refrain from taking action, and can also result in civil money penalties. The NCUA's Administrative Orders webpage allows the public to search for enforcement orders and notices by name, institution, city, state, and year, and also provides links to enforcement actions by other federal banking agencies.

NCUA Prohibits One Individual from Participating in the Affairs of Any Federally Insured Depository Institution ALEXANDRIA, Va. (October 31, 2023) – The National Credit Union Administration issued one prohibition notice in October 2023. The individual named below is permanently prohibited from participating in the affairs of any federally insured depository institution. Ryan Nicole Horne, a


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NCUA Prohibits One Individual from Participating in the Affairs of Any Federally Insured Depository Institution ALEXANDRIA, Va. (October 31, 2023) – The National Credit Union Administration issued one prohibition notice in October 2023. The individual named below is permanently prohibited from participating in the affairs of any federally insured depository institution. Ryan Nicole Horne, a


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National Credit Union Administration

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