

The Grupo Especial de Fiscalizau00e7u00e3o Mu00f3vel (GEFM), part of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, rescued 17 workers from a dairy farm in Castelo do Piauu00ed, Brazil. The workers were involved in carnau00faba leaf extraction and were subjected to degrading working conditions. The workers did not have formal employment contracts, and their rights were not respected. They were paid daily wages and were required to live in a substandard and overcrowded accommodation with inadequate sanitation facilities. The food provided was insufficient, and the water was not potable. The employer is responsible for regularizing the workers' contracts and paying the corresponding severance packages. The labor inspection action, carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Employment through the Auditoria-Fiscal do Trabalho, involved the Public Ministry of Labor, the Public Defender's Office, and the Federal Police. The rescued workers will have access to three payments of Special Unemployment Insurance for Rescued Workers.

O Grupo Especial de Fiscalização Móvel (GEFM), do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, resgatou 17 trabalhadores durante uma operação realizada, entre os dias 25 de setembro a 4 de outubro, na cidade de Castelo do Piauí (PI). Os trabalhadores atuavam nas extrações de folhas da carnaúba e eram submetidos a condições degradantes de trabalho. 

Desses funcionários, 11 não tinham vínculo empregatícios com o empregador, apesar de estarem cumprindo todos os requisitos de trabalho. Não havia contratos registrados, direitos trabalhistas não eram respeitados e suas renumerações eram por meio de diárias. Além disso, as medidas básicas de segurança no trabalho não foram respeitadas, e as ferramentas de utilizadas na extração das folhas eram adquiridas pelos próprios trabalhadores. 

A moradia fornecida pelo contratante estava em péssimo estado de conservação, superlotada, e não tinha condições de acomodar todos os trabalhadores. Não havia camas, e os trabalhadores eram obrigados a dormirem em redes. A única instalação sanitária e chuveiro existente na casa era insuficiente, obrigando os funcionários a realizarem suas necessidades fisiológicas e seus banhos em um riacho próximo ao alojamento. Além disso, a alimentação disponibilizada era insuficiente, sem proteína disponível nas refeições. A água não era potável e armazenada de maneira inadequada. 

O empregador ficou responsável por regularizar o vínculo de trabalhos e de realizar o pagamento das verbas rescisórias dos empregados resgatados. Os pagamentos das verbas trabalhistas e rescisórias são de aproximadamente de R$ 84.000. Todos os trabalhadores terão direito a três parcelas de Seguro-Desemprego Especial de Trabalhador Resgatado. 

A ação fiscal, realizada pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, por meio da Auditoria-Fiscal do Trabalho, contou com a participação do Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT), da Defensoria Pública da União (DPU) e da Polícia Federal (PF), por meio do serviço de inteligência com rastreamentos e planejamentos prévios. 

Os dados oficiais das ações de combate ao trabalho análogo à escravidão no Brasil estão disponíveis no Radar da Secretaria da Inspeção do Trabalho

Denúncias de trabalho análogo à escravidão podem ser feitas de forma anônima pelo Sistema Ipê.

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On September 25th to October 4th, the Special Mobile Fiscalization Group (GEFM) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, led an operation in Castelo do Piauu00ed, Brazil, which resulted in the rescue of 17 workers. The workers were engaged in the extraction of carnauba leaves and were subjected to degrading working conditions. Of these workers, 11 did not have a formal employment contract with the employer, despite fulfilling all work requirements. There were no registered contracts, and their wages were paid through daily allowances.

Furthermore, basic workplace safety measures were not respected, and the workers were required to purchase their own tools for use in the extraction process. The accommodation provided by the employer was in a poor state of conservation, overcrowded, and lacked adequate facilities to accommodate all workers. There were no beds, and workers were forced to sleep on mattresses. The sole sanitation facility and shower existing in the house were insufficient, prompting workers to use a nearby stream for personal hygiene and bathing.

Additionally, the food provided was inadequate, with no protein available in meals. The water was not potable and was inadequately stored. The employer has been held responsible for regularizing the workers’ employment contracts and paying the rescinded workers’ employment benefits, amounting to approximately R$84,000. All workers will also be entitled to three installments of the Special Unemployment Insurance for Rescued Workers.

The fiscal action, conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Employment through the Labor Audit-Fiscal, involved the participation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPT), the Public Defender’s Office (DPU), and the Federal Police (PF), utilizing intelligence services, tracking, and prior planning. Official statistics on actions against analogous slavery in Brazil can be found in the Secretariat of Labor Inspection’s Radar. Denunciations of analogous slavery can be made anonymously through the Ipu00ea System.

Ministry of Labor and Employment

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