O Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) lançou uma versão atualizada do Manual da Aprendizagem: O que é preciso saber para contratar o aprendiz?. O material tem o objetivo de esclarecer dúvidas sobre a contratação de jovens aprendizes, garantindo o cumprimento da Lei 10.097/00.
A nova edição, elaborada pelas secretarias de Inspeção do Trabalho e de Qualificação, Emprego e Renda, apresenta 145 perguntas e respostas sobre os principais aspectos da aprendizagem profissional. Além disso, reúne a legislação relacionada à Lei da Aprendizagem e aos direitos da criança e do adolescente.
A iniciativa reforça a importância do programa de aprendizagem, que beneficia tanto os jovens quanto as empresas. Para os aprendizes, é uma oportunidade de qualificação e inserção no mundo do trabalho. Já para as empresas, a contratação de aprendizes representa um investimento na formação de mão de obra qualificada, essencial para um mercado em constante transformação.
Clique aqui e baixe o Manual.
On 03/02/2025, the Ministry of Labor and Employment issued an update regarding "MTE updates Apprenticeship Manual to guide employers and training entities". The updated manual provides clarity on hiring young apprentices under the Lei 10.097/00, featuring 145 questions and answers about professional learning aspects, along with related legislation and child and adolescent rights.
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The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) has released an updated version of the Learning Manual: What You Need to Know to Hire a Learner. This manual aims to clarify doubts about hiring young apprentices, ensuring compliance with Law 10.097/00. The new edition, developed by the Secretariat of Inspection and Qualification, Employment, and Income, contains 145 questions and answers on the main aspects of professional learning.
Effects on Industry
The updated manual has a significant impact on the industry, particularly for companies that hire young apprentices. By clarifying doubts and providing detailed information about the law, the manual ensures that companies comply with regulations, avoiding potential fines or penalties. Additionally, the manual highlights the importance of hiring young apprentices, as it not only benefits the youth but also contributes to the development of skilled workers, essential for a constantly changing market.
Relevant Stakeholders
The stakeholders affected by this update are businesses, particularly those that hire young apprentices, and the government agencies responsible for enforcing labor laws. The updated manual directly impacts these stakeholders by providing them with clear guidelines on hiring practices, ensuring compliance with regulations, and promoting a better understanding of the benefits of hiring young apprentices.
Next Steps
To comply with the updated manual, companies should review their current hiring practices to ensure they meet the new standards set forth in the law. This may involve updating policies and procedures for hiring young apprentices, providing training for employees on the new regulations, and implementing measures to prevent any potential non-compliance issues. Additionally, government agencies responsible for enforcing labor laws should provide support and resources to businesses to help them comply with the updated manual.
Any Other Relevant Information
The release of the updated manual is part of a broader initiative by the MTE to promote the importance of hiring young apprentices and ensuring compliance with labor regulations. This effort aims to create a more skilled workforce, which is essential for economic growth and development. The manual also highlights the benefits of hiring young apprentices, including the opportunity for youth to acquire skills and gain experience in the workplace, as well as the investment companies can make in developing their future workforce.