O Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima (MMA) lançou, na quarta-feira (15/1), a consulta pública do Plano de Ação para Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento e das Queimadas no Pampa (PPPampa). Contribuições podem ser enviadas pela plataforma Participa +Brasil até 2 de fevereiro.
O plano busca reduzir de forma contínua o desmatamento e os incêndios no Pampa, além de criar condições para a transição a um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável. A iniciativa tem ainda o objetivo de integrar o combate ao desmatamento no bioma às políticas de Estado do país, garantindo sua transversalidade entre os diferentes setores.
O texto foi construído a partir dos resultados do 1º Seminário Técnico-Científico sobre as Causas e Consequências da Supressão da Vegetação Nativa no Pampa, realizado em maio de 2024 em Porto Alegre. Também considerou contribuições de outros ministérios que compõem a Comissão Interministerial Permanente de Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento, da sociedade civil, dos estados e outras instituições.
O PPPampa incorpora a experiência do governo federal com os planos para a Amazônia e o Cerrado, relançados em junho e novembro de 2023, respectivamente, e Caatinga e Pantanal, divulgados em dezembro de 2024.
O plano para o Pampa apresenta 13 objetivos estratégicos divididos em quatro eixos: atividades produtivas sustentáveis; monitoramento e controle ambiental; ordenamento fundiário e territorial; e instrumentos normativos e econômicos.
As diretrizes foram definidas pelo Grupo Técnico de Meio Ambiente da Comissão de Transição Governamental criada em 2022 e considerou contribuições dos ministérios da Comissão Interministerial Permanente de Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento. Presidido pela Casa Civil, o grupo é responsável pela implementação do Programa de Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento e Queimadas no Brasil (PPCD).
Após o fim da consulta pública, as contribuições serão analisadas e consideradas em um novo texto, que será enviado à Comissão Interministerial Permanente de Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento e posteriormente lançado.
Sobre o Pampa – Bioma exclusivo do Rio Grande do Sul, com área aproximada de 190 mil km². É caracterizado, principalmente, por sua unidade paisagística campestre, que se alternam com unidades florestais em áreas ripárias e de relevo mais acidentado, formando um complexo mosaico campo-floresta. Embora a aparência geral da vegetação seja uniforme, trata-se de um bioma composto por dez ecorregiões distintas, com características florísticas e biofísicas únicas.
On January 15, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) launched a public consultation for the Plano de Ação para Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento e das Queimadas no Pampa (PPPampa). This plan aims to reduce deforestation and wildfires in the Pampa region through sustainable development, integrating prevention into national policies. The PPPampa incorporates experiences from similar plans for the Amazon, Cerrado, Caatinga, and Pantanal biomes. It comprises 13 strategic objectives divided into four axes: sustainable productive activities, environmental monitoring and control, land and territorial ordering, and normative and economic instruments.
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The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) launched a public consultation on the Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Fires in the Pampa (PPPampa). The plan aims to reduce deforestation and fires in the Pampa, promote sustainable development, and integrate the fight against deforestation into national policies. This initiative has the ultimate goal of making the combat against deforestation a transversal policy among different sectors.
The text was built from the results of the 1st Technical-Scientific Seminar on the Causes and Consequences of the Suppression of Native Vegetation in the Pampa, held in May 2024 in Porto Alegre. It also considered contributions from other ministries that make up the Permanent Interministerial Commission for Prevention and Control of Deforestation, civil society, states, and other institutions.
The PPPampa incorporates the experience of the federal government with plans for the Amazon and Cerrado, relaunched in June and November 2023, respectively. The plan also draws on the experience of the Caatinga and Pantanal plans, released in December 2024. The plan for the Pampa presents 13 strategic objectives divided into four axes: sustainable productive activities; environmental monitoring and control; land use planning and territorial organization; and regulatory and economic instruments.
Effects on Industry
The launch of the PPPampa is expected to have significant effects on industries related to agriculture, forestry, and land use. The plan’s focus on sustainable development and the creation of conditions for a transition to a more environmentally friendly model will likely impact companies that rely heavily on deforestation or unsustainable practices.
The reduction of deforestation and fires in the Pampa will also affect industries such as livestock farming and soybean production, which have been linked to deforestation in the region. Companies that have invested heavily in these sectors may need to adapt their business models to comply with the new regulations.
Relevant Stakeholders
The stakeholders most affected by this update are:
- Businesses operating in the agriculture, forestry, and land use sectors
- Civil society organizations advocating for environmental protection
- States and municipalities within the Pampa region
- Federal government agencies responsible for environmental policy and regulation
Next Steps
Companies that rely on deforestation or unsustainable practices will need to adapt their business models to comply with the new regulations. This may involve investing in sustainable agricultural practices, reforestation programs, and other initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of their operations.
Consumers who are concerned about the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions can also play a role in promoting sustainable development in the Pampa region. By choosing products that have been certified as sustainably produced, consumers can help drive demand for environmentally friendly practices.
Any Other Relevant Information
The PPPampa is part of a broader effort by the federal government to address the environmental challenges facing Brazil. The plan builds on previous initiatives aimed at protecting the Amazon and Cerrado biomes and reflects the government’s commitment to promoting sustainable development in these regions.
The consultation process for the PPPampa will continue until February 2, after which the contributions will be analyzed and considered in a new text that will be sent to the Permanent Interministerial Commission for Prevention and Control of Deforestation and later launched.