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Indonesian Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, welcomes the new regulations for foreign workers in Japan, which are currently being prepared by the Japanese government. She hopes that the new regulations will provide better protection and improve the welfare of Indonesian migrant workers in Japan. According to Ida Fauziyah, the Japanese government has assured that Indonesian migrant workers currently working in Japan will still be able to continue their work in Japan, as the regulation changes are not significant. The article also highlights the historical cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the fields of labor and workforce development, including the Technical Intern Train Program (TITP) and the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA).

Jakarta–Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziyah, menyambut baik peraturan ketenagakerjaan baru yang tengah disiapkan Pemerintah Jepang bagi pekerja asing di Jepang. Hal ini disampaikan Ida Fauziyah saat menerima Courtesy Call Wakil Menteri Negara Kesehatan, Perburuhan, dan Kesejahteraan Jepang, Miyazaki Masahisa, di Kantor Kemnaker, Jakarta, Jumat (3/5/2024).  “Kami menyambut baik aturan baru yang diperuntukan bagi pekerja asing di


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Jakarta–Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziyah, menyambut baik peraturan ketenagakerjaan baru yang tengah disiapkan Pemerintah Jepang bagi pekerja asing di Jepang. Hal ini disampaikan Ida Fauziyah saat menerima Courtesy Call Wakil Menteri Negara Kesehatan, Perburuhan, dan Kesejahteraan Jepang, Miyazaki Masahisa, di Kantor Kemnaker, Jakarta, Jumat (3/5/2024).  “Kami menyambut baik aturan baru yang diperuntukan bagi pekerja asing di


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Ministry of Manpower

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