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The Competition Board in Turkey conducted a preliminary inquiry into allegations that refractor material manufacturers violated Article 4 of Act no 4054 by colluding to raise prices. After examining information and documents, the Board found the findings significant and sufficient to launch an investigation against several companies: Asmau00c5u0178 Au00c4u0178u00c4u00b1r Sanayi Malzemeleri u00c4u00b0mal ve Tic, Daussan Refrakter, Haznedar Durer Refrakter Malzemeleri Sanayi, Ku00c3u00bcmau00c5u0178 Manyezit Sanayi, Piromet Pirometalurji Malzeme Refrakter Mak, and Remsan Refrakter Malzeme San. Following an investigation, the Board makes public its decisions after notifying the relevant undertakings. Note that these public declarations do not imply that the undertakings have violated the Act or will face sanctions.
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