보도시점배포 시배포2025. 2. 5.(수)사업보고서 등에 대한 조사·감리결과 조치- 제2차 금융위원회(‘25.2.5.) 조치 의결 – 금융위원회는 2월 5일 제2차 회의에서 회계처리기준을 위반하여 재무제표를 작성·공시한 ㈜비덴트 등 3개 회사 및 회사관계자, 회계감사기준을 위반한 감사인에 대하여「주식회사 등의 외부감사에 관한 법률」 등에 따라 과징금 부과를 의결하였습니다.※과징금외감사인지정등의조치는‘24.11.6일,‘24.11.20일,’24.12.4일증권선물위원회에서각각의결< ㈜비덴트 등 3개사에 대한 조사·감리결과 최종 과징금 부과액 >회사명대상자최종 과징금 부과액㈜비덴트회사46.5억원前대표이사 등 2인 5.2억원대현회계법인2.6억원디아이동일㈜ 회사42.4억원前대표이사 등 3인 10.5억원신한회계법인1.8억원대한토지신탁㈜ 회사 1억원前담당임원7백만원담당 부서금융위원회책임자팀 장태현수(02-2100-2690)<총괄> 회계제도팀담당자사무관고광순(02-2100-2692)<공동> 금융감독원책임자국 장유형주(02-3145-7700)담당자팀 장유홍근(02-3145-7731)회계감리1국<공동> 금융감독원책임자국 장장영심(02-3145-7290)담당자팀 장박기현(02-3145-7292)회계감리2국담당자팀 장장환생(02-3145-7311)
On February 5, 2025, the Financial Services Commission issued an update regarding Investigation and supervision of business reports - Measures taken at the 2nd Financial Services Commission. The commission found that three companies, including Venet Co., Ltd., had violated accounting processing standards and reporting financial statements, resulting in a decision to impose fines according to relevant laws.
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The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) has conducted an investigation into three companies, including Vient Corporation, following a violation of accounting treatment principles. The investigation was prompted by concerns over financial reporting irregularities and non-compliance with auditing standards. As a result, the FSS has imposed fines on these companies and their related parties.
Effects on Industry:
The imposition of fines on companies for violating accounting treatment principles and auditing standards may have significant effects on the industry as a whole. Companies in similar situations may face increased scrutiny and regulatory pressure to ensure compliance with financial reporting regulations. This could lead to increased costs for companies, particularly those with poor governance structures or inadequate internal controls.
Moreover, the FSS’s actions may deter other companies from engaging in similar practices, promoting a more transparent and accountable business environment. However, it is also possible that some companies may view these fines as a necessary cost of doing business, potentially leading to increased financial burdens for consumers.
Relevant Stakeholders:
The stakeholders most affected by the FSS’s actions include:
- Companies involved: Vient Corporation, DAI Corporation, and Sinhan Accounting Corporation, along with their related parties.
- Financial institutions: Banks, securities companies, and other financial institutions that may be impacted by changes in accounting treatment principles or auditing standards.
- Investors and shareholders: Those who hold shares in the affected companies or have invested in similar businesses may face increased risks or uncertainty due to regulatory actions.
Next Steps:
The FSS has imposed fines on the involved companies, but it is unclear what further actions will be taken. Companies that have not complied with accounting treatment principles and auditing standards should take immediate action to rectify their practices and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. This may involve:
- Conducting internal reviews: Companies should assess their financial reporting processes and audit procedures to identify areas for improvement.
- Implementing corrective measures: Companies should implement changes to prevent similar violations in the future, such as enhancing governance structures or internal controls.
- Cooperating with regulatory authorities: Companies should cooperate fully with the FSS and other relevant regulatory bodies to demonstrate their commitment to compliance.
Any Other Relevant Information:
The FSS’s actions are consistent with its efforts to promote a transparent and accountable financial system in South Korea. This initiative may be part of a broader effort to strengthen regulatory oversight and enforcement, potentially affecting various industries beyond just finance.
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