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On February 27th, the President of INPI (National Institute for Industrial Property), Ju00falio Cu00e9sar Moreira, and the President of Fortec - Associative Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers, Gesil Amarante, signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) between the institutions for a period of five years. The ACT aims to promote the expansion and increased use of Intellectual Property (IP) systems by companies, scientific, technological, and innovation organizations (ICT), and to boost results in technology transfer.
The agreement outlines the following cooperation initiatives:
Capacity building for Technology Innovation Nuclei (NIT) focusing on updating knowledge in IP and forming content multipliers in the topic.
Identification of NIT professionals with experience in technology transfer to share their knowledge with INPI mentors.
Participation of INPI in Fortec events.
Mutual support in interlocution between INPI and Fortec with other national innovation system actors.
* Conducting research and joint works by INPI and Fortec.
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