По поручению Генпрокуратуры России Южная транспортная прокуратура провела проверку исполнения трудового законодательства в деятельности предприятий железнодорожного и водного транспорта Запорожской и Херсонской областей.
Установлено, что некоторые из работодателей транспортной отрасли в этих регионах в период с октября по декабрь прошлого года неоднократно игнорировали обязанность по выплате подчиненным заработной платы и иных положенных компенсаций. В результате свыше 2,5 тыс. работников своевременно недополучили более 140 млн рублей.
Несоблюдение их трудовых прав послужило основанием для прокурорского вмешательства. О данных фактах Генпрокуратурой России проинформировано Правительство Российской Федерации.
Благодаря принятым мерам нарушения устранены, указанная задолженность перед трудовыми коллективами погашена.
On January 16, The Accounts Chamber of Russia issued an update regarding In Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, after the intervention of the prosecutor's office, wage arrears of more than 140 million rubles were paid to workers in the transport sector. This resulted from a probe by the South Transport Prosecution Office, which found that some employers in the transport industry had repeatedly ignored their obligation to pay employees' wages and other due compensations last year.
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The South Transport Prosecutor’s Office conducted an audit to enforce labor laws in the transportation sector of Zaporozyhia and Kherson regions on behalf of the Russian Prosecutor General. The objective was to investigate allegations of non-payment of wages and other compensation to employees by certain employers.
Effects on Industry
The audit revealed that some employers in the transportation industry had repeatedly ignored their obligation to pay their employees’ salaries and other benefits, resulting in over 2,500 workers not receiving their rightful payments worth more than RUB 140 million. This non-compliance with labor laws led to a significant financial burden for the affected workers.
Relevant Stakeholders
The affected stakeholders include the employees who did not receive their rightful payments, as well as the employers who failed to comply with labor laws. Additionally, the government agencies responsible for enforcing labor laws, such as the Prosecutor General’s Office and the relevant regional authorities, are also stakeholders in this matter.
Next Steps
To address the non-compliance issues identified during the audit, the employers were required to take corrective action, including paying the outstanding wages and benefits to their employees. The government agencies involved ensured that the necessary measures were taken to rectify the situation, with the Prosecutor General’s Office informing the Russian Government about the facts of the case. As a result, the non-compliance issues have been resolved, and the outstanding debt has been settled.
Any Other Relevant Information
The audit conducted by the South Transport Prosecutor’s Office highlights the importance of enforcing labor laws in the transportation sector, particularly in regions with high economic activity like Zaporozyhia and Kherson. This action demonstrates the government’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and ensuring that employers comply with relevant regulations. The successful resolution of this case serves as a precedent for future audits and may encourage other employers to adhere to labor laws and regulations more closely.