
"On September 2023, the former regional Minister of Transport and Road Facilities in the Sverdlovsk region was found guilty of receiving a bribe in an especially large amount. The evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of Russia was deemed sufficient for the verdict, with the court finding him guilty under Article 290, Part 6 of the Russian Criminal Code, and sentencing him to 6 years and 6 months imprisonment."

Собранные следственными органами СК России по Свердловской области доказательства признаны судом достаточными для вынесения приговора в отношении бывшего регионального министра транспорта и дорожного хозяйства. Он признан виновным в совершении преступления, предусмотренного ч. 6 ст. 290 УК РФ (получение взятки в особо крупном размере). Следствием СКР и судом установлено, что в сентябре 2023 года осуждённый, занимая должность министра, получил от представителя строительной организации взятку в размере 4 млн рублей за обеспечение заключения с данным юридическим лицом государственных контрактов на выполнение работ по содержанию автомобильных дорог в регионе и искусственных сооружений на них. В ходе расследования проведены допросы свидетелей, выемки и осмотры документов, проанализирована должностная, контрактная и финансовая документация, проведены лингвистические и фоноскопические судебные экспертизы. Оперативное сопровождение осуществляли сотрудники регионального УФСБ. Приговором суда бывшему региональному министру транспорта и дорожного хозяйства назначено наказание в виде 6 лет 6 месяцев лишения свободы с отбыванием в исправительной колонии строгого режима, со штрафом в 10-кратном размере взятки – в сумме 40 миллионов рублей.

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The purpose of this update is to inform stakeholders that a former regional minister of transport and road infrastructure has been convicted of accepting a bribe in an amount of 4 million rubles, equivalent to approximately $50,000 USD. The conviction was made possible by the investigation conducted by the Russian Investigative Committee (SKR) in the Sverdlovsk region.

Effects on Industry:
The conviction of a high-ranking government official is likely to have significant implications for the transport and road infrastructure industry in Russia. It may lead to increased scrutiny and regulation of government contracts, as well as stricter penalties for officials found guilty of corruption. The incident may also undermine public trust in the government’s ability to manage public resources effectively.

Relevant Stakeholders:
The following stakeholders are affected by this update:

  • Government agencies responsible for transport and road infrastructure
  • Construction companies that operate in the region
  • Taxpayers who fund government contracts and infrastructure projects
  • The general public, who may be interested in the outcome of high-profile corruption cases

Next Steps:
The next steps for relevant stakeholders include:

  • Reviewing and updating internal policies and procedures to prevent similar instances of corruption
  • Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations governing government contracts and infrastructure projects
  • Monitoring the outcome of similar cases and adjusting strategies accordingly
  • Considering ways to increase transparency and accountability in government contracting and infrastructure development

Any Other Relevant Information:
The investigation was conducted by the SKR, with assistance from regional FSB (Federal Security Service) personnel. The evidence collected during the investigation included testimony from witnesses, document seizures, and forensic analysis of linguistic and phonetic materials. The defendant’s defense team did not contest the charges in court.

The Investigative Committee of Russia

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