

The HEROS project, launched in 2023, has identified key occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges and risks faced by healthcare workers in the EU. The main OSH challenges for nurses and care workers include an ageing workforce, staff shortages, low wages, long working hours, multiple jobholding, and underfinancing. The most common OSH risks are understaffing, work overload, work-related stress, violence and harassment at work, and burnout. The report proposes improved coordination of safety and health regulations for health workers at EU, national, and organisational levels, as well as a greater role for social partners (trade unions and employers' organisations) in national systems.


Health Risk Outlooks by Social Partners (HEROS) project has analysed the occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges and risks related to healthcare workers in the EU. Released in 2023, it aims to provide a better understanding of this issue. 

Ageing workforce, staff shortages, low wages, long working hours, multiple jobholding and underfinancing are the main OSH challenges for nurses and care workers identified in HEROS. In terms of OSH risks, the most common ones are understaffing, work overload, work-related stress, violence and harassment at work, and burnout. These risks and challenges are similar in all countries. However, they are exacerbated in countries where staff shortages, turnover, and lack of adequate skills are severe. 

Sharing the view that patients and users of care services are safe when workers are safe, HEROS proposes to coordinate safety and health regulations for health workers more effectively at European, national, and organisational levels, and to promote the role of the social partners (trade unions and employers’ organisations) in the different national systems.

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The Health Risk Outlooks by Social Partners (HEROS) project, released in 2023, has analyzed the occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges and risks faced by healthcare workers in the European Union (EU). The report identifies several key OSH challenges for nurses and care workers, including an ageing workforce, staff shortages, low wages, long working hours, multiple jobholding, and underfinancing. These challenges are exacerbated in countries with severe staff shortages, high turnover, and lack of adequate skills.

The report highlights several OSH risks that healthcare workers face, including understaffing, work overload, work-related stress, violence and harassment at work, and burnout. Notably, these risks and challenges are similar across all EU countries, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

The HEROS project emphasizes the importance of ensuring the safety and health of healthcare workers, as patients and users of care services are directly impacted by the well-being of their care providers. To address these challenges, the project recommends more effective coordination of safety and health regulations at the European, national, and organizational levels. Additionally, the project highlights the crucial role of social partners (trade unions and employers’ organizations) in promoting OSH in the healthcare sector.

The HEROS final project report is available for download on the EU-OSHA website, along with resources and information on the health and social care sector and OSH. The report is a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve occupational safety and health in the healthcare sector, particularly in light of the ongoing pandemic and the increased demands it has placed on healthcare workers.

Key Findings:

Ageing workforce, staff shortages, low wages, long working hours, multiple jobholding, and underfinancing are the main OSH challenges for nurses and care workers.
Understaffing, work overload, work-related stress, violence and harassment at work, and burnout are the most common OSH risks faced by healthcare workers.
The OSH risks and challenges are similar across all EU countries, but are exacerbated in countries with severe staff shortages, high turnover, and lack of adequate skills.
The HEROS project recommends more effective coordination of safety and health regulations at the European, national, and organizational levels.
The project emphasizes the crucial role of social partners (trade unions and employers’ organizations) in promoting OSH in the healthcare sector.


Improve coordination of safety and health regulations at the European, national, and organizational levels.
Enhance the role of social partners (trade unions and employers’ organizations) in promoting OSH in the healthcare sector.
Address the root causes of understaffing, work overload, and work-related stress.
Promote a culture of safety and well-being among healthcare workers.
Develop targeted training programs to improve skills and competencies among healthcare workers.


The HEROS project underscores the importance of prioritizing the occupational safety and health of healthcare workers in the EU. By addressing the systemic challenges and OSH risks faced by healthcare workers, we can improve the overall quality of care and ensure that patients and users of care services receive the best possible care.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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