

Brazil's Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) jointly hosted the first meeting of the G20's Sustainability and Climate Change Working Group on January 29-30. The meeting aimed to promote cooperation among countries to advance the environmental agenda, address climate emergencies, and promote sustainable development. The group has four thematic axes: adaptation to extreme climate events, payment for ecosystem services, oceans, and waste and circular economy.

The Brazilian presidency of the G20 emphasized the need for a collaborative approach to address global challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and desertification. The working group's initiatives include the establishment of a Task Force on Global Climate Mobilization and a Bioeconomy Initiative.

The meeting also highlighted the importance of integrating oceans and coastal zones into new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and accelerating the ratification and mobilization of resources for the implementation of the BBNJ treaty. The working group aims to mobilize large economies to advance commitments made in the Kunming-Montreal Agreement, such as protecting 30% of the planet's surface and restoring 30% of degraded ecosystems by 2030.

The next meeting is scheduled for April in Brasu00edlia, followed by another meeting in June in Manaus and a ministerial meeting in October at the Rio de Janeiro. There are also plans for new sessions of debate with civil society as part of the G20 Social initiative.

Os ministérios do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima (MMA) e das Relações Exteriores (MRE) realizaram segunda e terça-feira (29 e 30/1) a primeira reunião do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) de Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Climática do G20. A iniciativa busca promover a cooperação entre os países para avançar a agenda ambiental, buscar soluções para a


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Os ministérios do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima (MMA) e das Relações Exteriores (MRE) realizaram segunda e terça-feira (29 e 30/1) a primeira reunião do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) de Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Climática do G20. A iniciativa busca promover a cooperação entre os países para avançar a agenda ambiental, buscar soluções para a


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Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

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