
"On "05/02/2025", the "Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)" issued an update regarding "Financial Supervisory Service Governor Lee Bok-hyun Holds Meeting with Accounting Firm CEOs". The meeting aimed to discuss capital market advancements and strengthen accounting supervision, with a focus on improving transparency and integrity in corporate finance. "

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보 도 자 료
보도2025.2.5.(수) 10:00배포2025.2.4.(화)담당부서회계감독국책임자국 장김은순(02-3145-7750)회계감독총괄팀담당자팀 장김경률(02-3145-7752)이복현 금융감독원장, 회계법인 CEO 간담회 개최-자본시장 선진화를 위한 회계법인의 역할을 당부Ⅰ회계법인 CEO 간담회 개요□이복현금융감독원장은’25.2.5.(수)국내상장사감사를담당하고있는9개회계법인CEO와간담회를개최◦자본시장선진화를위한회계감독방향을공유하고이에따른회계법인의역할에대하여논의회계법인 CEO 간담회 개요▣일시:’25.2.5.(수) 10:00∼ 11:00▣장소:한국공인회계사회 회관 2층 대회의실(서울시 서대문구)▣주요 참석자 ◦(금융감독원)이복현 금융감독원장, 윤정숙 전문심의위원 ◦(유관기관)최운열 한국공인회계사회장부회장대참, 이한상 한국회계기준원장 ◦(회계법인)삼일회계법인 윤훈수 대표, 삼정회계법인 김교태 대표,안진회계법인 홍종성 대표, 한영회계법인 박용근 대표,대주회계법인 김영백 대표, 신한회계법인 최종만 대표,성현회계법인 윤길배 대표, 한울회계법인 신성섭 대표,정진세림회계법인 전이현 대표- 2 –
Ⅱ금융감독원장 발언 요지□이복현금융감독원장은대내외경제여건이불확실한상황에서자본시장선진화를흔들림없이추진하는가운데,이를위한회계감독방향과당부사항을제시➊신규 상장기업에 대한 사전·사후 회계감독 강화◦상장과정에서매출급감사실을숨기는등부정한수단으로가치를부풀리는기업의자본시장진입을차단하기위해-IPO예정기업에대한사전회계심사를확대하고,상장후영업실적이급감한기업등에대한사후심사·감리를강화할예정➋한계기업의 회계처리 적정성을 조기에 심사하고, 회계분식 적발 기업의 신속한 퇴출을 유도◦최근상장폐지를회피하기위해허위·가공매출인식등회계분식을하는한계기업이적발되고있는바-한계기업징후(Signal)가있는기업에대해선제적으로심사‧
감리를실시하여회계분식적발시신속한퇴출을유도➌합병가액 등에 대한 외부평가시 객관성과 공정성 확보에 더 힘써 줄 것을 당부◦합병가액등에대한외부평가는시장참여자에직접영향을미치며,공정한시장질서확립을위해그중요성이더욱높아지고있는바-투철한윤리의식을갖춘전문가집단으로서객관적·독립적관점을견지하여공정한외부평가업무를수행할것을당부- 3 –
➍기업이 자율적으로 회계투명성을 높이도록 지원◦회계‧
감사관련지배구조가우수한기업에대해감사인주기적지정을3년간유예하는방안을이행함에있어-회계투명성을높일수있도록선별된평가지표를기초로,지배구조의“수준”뿐아니라회사의개선“노력”도평가에반영➎회계법인에 감사품질을 최우선시하는 문화가 정착되도록 유도◦등록회계법인에대한감리주기를품질관리수준에따라차등화하는한편,통합관리체계등특정취약부문에대해집중점검◦회계법인의품질관리수준평가시디지털감사역량강화에대해인센티브를부여하는등감사효율성·효과성제고를적극지원□아울러,회계법인은자본시장의이해관계자들이올바른의사결정을할수있도록회계정보의신뢰성을제공하는역할을맡고있는바◦대내외불확실성에도흔들림없이,현장최일선에서‘자본시장의파수꾼’역할을충실히수행해줄것을당부Ⅲ주요 논의내용□회계법인CEO들은자본시장에대한신뢰확보를위해외부감사에만전을기할것이라고밝히면서◦감독당국도업계와꾸준히소통하여불합리한규제부담을합리화하는등제도개선을지속해달라는의견을제시□이복현금융감독원장은오늘간담회에서제시된건의사항에대해향후회계감독업무에적극반영하겠다고밝혔음 ※ (별첨) 이복현 금융감독원장 모두발언 1부☞ 본 자료를 인용하여 보도할 경우에는 출처를 표기하여 주시기 바랍니다.(

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The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) has held a meeting between its chairman, Lee Bok-hyun, and CEOs of nine major accounting firms on February 5, 2025. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the role of these accounting firms in promoting capital market advancement and ensuring transparency in financial reporting.

Effects on Industry:

The FSS chairman emphasized the importance of maintaining a stable capital market amidst uncertain economic conditions. He proposed strengthening pre- and post-IPO auditing for new listed companies, as well as conducting regular audits to detect and prevent accounting irregularities. The FSS also plans to provide incentives for digital auditing capabilities and improve auditing efficiency. This move is expected to have significant effects on the accounting industry, particularly in promoting transparency and trust in financial reporting.

Relevant Stakeholders:

The meeting was attended by CEOs of nine major accounting firms, including Samil Accounting Corporation, Jeongjin Sesalim Accounting Corporation, Shinhan Accounting Corporation, and Hanul Accounting Corporation. The FSS chairman’s proposals will have direct implications for these companies, as they will need to adapt their auditing practices to meet the new regulatory requirements.

Next Steps:

The FSS chairman announced that his office will actively incorporate the proposed measures into its future operations. He emphasized the importance of maintaining a stable capital market and ensuring transparency in financial reporting. The accounting firms attending the meeting are expected to implement these proposals, which may involve enhancing their digital auditing capabilities and improving auditing efficiency.

Any Other Relevant Information:

The FSS chairman also expressed his desire for continued dialogue with the accounting industry to improve regulatory frameworks and reduce burdensome regulations. He acknowledged the critical role that accounting firms play in promoting capital market advancement and ensuring transparency in financial reporting. The meeting’s outcome is expected to have a lasting impact on the accounting industry, as it promotes trust and stability in financial markets.

Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)

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