
"On "05/02/2025", the "Financial Services Commission" issued an update regarding "Financial Services Commission approves partial revision of the Credit Information Supervision Regulation - Regulations on false evaluations and forced evaluation results by corporate credit inquiry companies". The revised regulation aims to regulate and penalize false evaluations and forced evaluation results by corporate credit inquiry companies, which were found to be in violation of their duties during regular inspections."

[보도자료] 「신용정보업감독규정」 일부개정고시안 금융위원회 의결(‘25.2.5일) – 기업신용조회회사의 허위평가 행위 및 특정 평가결과 강요 행위 규율

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「신용정보업감독규정」 일부개정고시안 금융위원회 의결(‘25.2.5일)

– 기업신용조회회사의 허위평가 행위 및 특정 평가결과 강요 행위 규율

제2차 금융위원회 정례회의(2.5일)는 「기술금융 개선방안(‘24.4.3일 발표)」의 후속조치로서「신용정보업감독규정」일부개정고시안을 의결 하였다.

이번 개정안은 금융감독원이 수시검사*에서 기업신용조회회사가 평가업무의 근본 책무를 크게 위반한 행위를 발견했음에도 직접적인 제재 근거가 없는 점을 감안하여 과태료 부과 근거를 명시적으로 마련하려는 것이다.(과태료 2,000만원)

* 기술신용평가업무를 영위하는 기업신용조회회사 5개社에 검사 진행(‘22.8~’23.9월)

이에 따라, ➊타인의 자격증을 도용하거나 인증되지 않는 자격증을 근거로 평가하는 등 기술금융 대상이 아님에도 기술금융 대상으로 평가하는 허위평가 행위와 ➋회사 영업조직 등에서 평가자에게 특정 평가결과를 강요하는 행위는 행위규칙에 추가되어 금지행위로 규율된다.

금일 금융위원회에서 의결된「신용정보업감독규정」개정안은 고시한 날부터 시행될 예정이다. 감독규정 개정을 통해 공정하고 건전한 신용질서가 확립될 것으로 기대된다.

첨부파일 (3)첨부파일 열림

250205(보도자료) 「신용정보업감독규정」 일부개정고시안 금융위원회 의결(‘25.2.5일).pdf
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250205(보도자료) 「신용정보업감독규정」 일부개정고시안 금융위원회 의결(‘25.2.5일).hwp
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250205(보도자료) 「신용정보업감독규정」 일부개정고시안 금융위원회 의결(‘25.2.5일).hwpx
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The South Korean government has revised the “Credit Information Business Regulation” to include stricter rules against fake evaluation practices by credit information businesses. The revision aims to ensure fair and transparent credit evaluations, particularly for technology finance businesses.

This update is a response to the need for more stringent regulations in the technology finance sector, where fake evaluations can have significant consequences. By revising the regulation, the government seeks to protect consumers from unfair business practices and maintain trust in the financial system.

The revision includes provisions that explicitly state the conditions under which credit information businesses will be penalized for engaging in fake evaluation practices or coercing specific evaluation results. This ensures that businesses are held accountable for their actions and cannot avoid consequences by exploiting loopholes in the regulation.

Effects on Industry

The revised regulation is expected to have significant implications for the technology finance industry, particularly credit information businesses. The new rules will:

  1. Enhance transparency: Credit information businesses must now disclose their evaluation methods and criteria, ensuring that consumers are aware of how their creditworthiness is being assessed.
  2. Reduce fake evaluations: By introducing penalties for fake evaluation practices, the revised regulation discourages businesses from engaging in such activities, promoting a culture of honesty and integrity within the industry.
  3. Improve competitiveness: The increased transparency and accountability will lead to more competitive credit information businesses, as those that adhere to the new rules will be able to demonstrate their commitment to fair business practices.

Relevant Stakeholders

The revised regulation affects various stakeholders in the technology finance sector:

  1. Credit information businesses: These businesses must now comply with stricter regulations regarding fake evaluations and coercing specific evaluation results.
  2. Technology finance companies: Companies that rely on credit information services will benefit from the increased transparency and accountability, as they can trust that their creditworthiness is being assessed fairly.
  3. Consumers: The revised regulation protects consumers by ensuring that credit information businesses operate transparently and honestly.

Next Steps

To comply with the revised regulation:

  1. Credit information businesses must update their evaluation methods and criteria to meet the new standards.
  2. Technology finance companies should review their relationships with credit information businesses to ensure compliance with the revised regulation.
  3. Consumers can expect more transparent and honest credit evaluations, which will help them make informed decisions about financial products.

Any Other Relevant Information

The revised regulation is part of a broader effort by the South Korean government to improve the technology finance sector. By addressing concerns around fake evaluations and coercing specific evaluation results, the government aims to promote a culture of integrity and trust within the industry.

This update demonstrates the government’s commitment to protecting consumers and maintaining a fair financial system. As the regulation takes effect, stakeholders can expect increased transparency and accountability in the credit information business sector.

The revised regulation also sets an example for other countries looking to establish similar regulations and ensure that their technology finance sectors operate with integrity and transparency.

Financial Services Commission

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