
On January 16, 2025, the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) announced that financial industry best practices are being established and implemented to improve the rationality and fairness of real estate PF fees. The new guidelines aim to standardize fees, enhance transparency, and ensure fair treatment of consumers. These measures include limiting fee collection, standardizing fee types, providing information to homeowners, and strengthening internal controls for financial institutions.

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Ⅰ. 개 요 □지난’24.11.18.금융감독원은금융권및건설업계공동간담회를개최하여「
제정을완료하였습니다.◦동모범규준은PF수수료부과대상,종류및정의,차주에대한수수료관련정보제공,내부통제등의내용으로구성되어있으며, -금융회사의실무적용을위해구체적인세부예시등을포함하고있습니다.[참고] 각 업권 협회·중앙회별 모범규준 게시 페이지◈(은행연합회)홈페이지(→공시·자료실→KFB 제정기준◈(생명보험협회)홈페이지(→회원사→자율규제운영→자율규제 규정정보◈(손해보험협회)홈페이지(→ 공시·자료실→손해보험협회 규정현황→규정목록◈(저축은행중앙회)홈페이지(→소비자포털→자료실→법규자료→모범규준 등
보 도 자 료
보도2025.1.17.(금) 조간배포2025.1.16.(목)
담당부서금융감독원감독총괄국책임자국 장김충진(02-3145-8300)담당자팀 장강병재(02-3145-8001)은행연합회여신제도부책임자부 장 이종혁(02-3705-5339)담당자팀 장박신형(02-3705-5119)생명보험협회상품지원부책임자부 장 유제상(02-2262-6624)담당자팀 장이현우(02-2262-6594)손해보험협회경영지원부책임자부 장 최동욱(02-3702-8571)담당자팀 장이은직(02-3702-8572)저축은행중앙회PF 관리&전략부책임자부 장 성용욱(02-397-8640)담당자차 장윤호병(02-397-8641)부동산PF 수수료의 합리성 및 공정성 제고를 위한금융권 모범규준이 마련·시행됩니다. – 2 –
Ⅱ. 모범규준 주요 내용 등주요 내용□1수수료 부과대상을 용역 수행 대가로 제한◦별도용역제공이없는수수료*는폐지하고,만기연장시용역제공없이반복수취하는수수료**부과를제한 *(예) 패널티수수료 : 분양률 미달 등 이벤트 발생시 부과되는 등 별도 용역수행 없음 만기연장수수료 : 연장시 대출위험 상승을 반영하는 등 별도 용역수행 없음 **(예) 주선·자문·참여수수료 등□2수수료를 유형별로 표준화하는 등 부과 체계 정비◦수수료관련신뢰도및비교가능성제고를위해수수료의정의와범위를표준화하여현재32개에달하는수수료항목을11개로통합·단순화* *(예) 약정변경·책준연장·약정수수료 → 약정변경수수료, 사업성검토·자문수수료 → 자문수수료□3차주에게 수수료 관련 정보제공을 확대◦PF용역수행내역등에대한사전·사후적정보제공을확대하고금융회사의용역이력관리체계화를유도* *(용역계약 체결시) 용역수행 계획 제공 → (용역기간 중) 실제 용역수행내역 및 세부진행상황 내부 이력관리 → (용역완료시) 용역 결과보고서 제공□4PF 수수료 관련 금융회사 자율통제 기능 강화◦법위반소지차단*,소비자권익제고등을위해금융회사가준수해야할기본내부통제원칙**을제정·운영(필요시금감원이이행상황점검) *「금소법」상 불공정 영업행위 방지, 「이자제한법」상 최고이자율 준수 등 **수수료 관련 조직구조, 적정성 검증절차, 수수료 종류 및 정의 등 체계에 관한 사항 등적용 범위□동모범규준시행일이후신규체결및만기연장*되는부동산PF약정에적용 *모범규준 시행일 이후 만기 연장시 만기연장수수료 등 수취 불가- 3 –
Ⅲ. 향후 계획□금번에모범규준제정을완료한업권외에여타금융업권의경우도’25.1월중모범규준제정을완료·시행할계획입니다.◦금융투자는1.23일까지,여신금융은1.24일까지,상호금융및새마을금고는1월말까지제정을완료할예정입니다.□앞으로도금융감독원은금번모범규준시행으로PF수수료의공정성및합리성이제고될수있도록지속노력할예정입니다.◦금융감독원내旣설치된「
를통해불합리한PF수수료부과등건설업계애로사항등을상시수렴하고,◦필요시모범규준준수여부등에대한현장점검을실시하여미흡사항에대한개선을권고할계획입니다.※ 부동산PF 수수료 관련 애로 및 건의사항 접수처 → 「부동산PF 총괄지원센터」 (02-3145-8006)
☞ 본 자료를 인용하여 보도할 경우에는 출처를 표기하여 주시기 바랍니다.(

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The Financial Services Commission has announced the establishment of a model standard for financial institutions to improve the rationality and fairness of mortgage-backed securities (PF) fees. The goal is to create a standardized framework for PF fee structures, ensuring transparency and consistency across the industry.

Effects on Industry
The adoption of this model standard will have a significant impact on the financial services sector, particularly in the areas of real estate financing. By promoting transparency and fairness, it aims to reduce disputes between financial institutions and their clients over PF fees. The updated fee structure will provide clarity on what constitutes legitimate PF fees, thereby reducing ambiguity and confusion. Additionally, this initiative may lead to increased trust among consumers and investors, as they can better understand the costs associated with mortgage-backed securities.

Relevant Stakeholders
This model standard affects various stakeholders in the financial services sector, including:

  • Financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, savings banks, and credit unions)
  • Real estate developers and builders
  • Homebuyers and property investors
  • Regulators and policymakers

The update aims to create a more transparent and fair environment for all parties involved, promoting trust and confidence in the financial services sector.

Next Steps
To comply with this new model standard, financial institutions are required to:

  1. Revise their PF fee structures to align with the updated guidelines
  2. Establish clear policies and procedures for PF fee collection and management
  3. Provide clients with detailed information about PF fees and related costs
  4. Implement effective internal controls to ensure compliance with the model standard

Financial institutions are expected to complete these tasks by January 2025, ensuring a smooth transition to the new regulatory framework.

Any Other Relevant Information
The Financial Services Commission will continue to monitor the implementation of this model standard and provide guidance as needed. The commission’s “Real Estate PF Comprehensive Support Center” will serve as a central point for addressing concerns and issues related to PF fees. This initiative demonstrates the commission’s commitment to promoting transparency, fairness, and consumer protection in the financial services sector.

Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)

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