ECHA sets out strategic goals for next five years
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has today published its Strategy Statement 2024-2028. The strategy details the agency’s goals and priorities over the next five years to protect health and the environment through its work for chemical safety.
Helsinki, 30 January 2024 – With its new strategy, ECHA will deliver on its existing wide legal mandate, build on its expertise and experience, collaborate with our stakeholders and partners, implement new tasks and support the ambition of the EU policy goals on chemicals. In support of these actions, we will also invest in our people so they too are ready for ECHA's future work.
Dr Sharon McGuinness, ECHA Executive Director, said:
“I am happy to present our new Strategy Statement, which will drive ECHA’s direction and priorities for the next five years. Our new vision, chemical safety through science, collaboration and knowledge will guide us as we deliver our strategy and our values of integrity, transparency, collaboration and innovation will inform our actions. We look forward to working with our staff, partners and stakeholders in delivering our strategy.”
Paul Krajnik, Chair of ECHA’s Management Board, said:
“The new ECHA Strategy reflects the broadening of our legal mandate in support of the European Union’s ambitious goals on chemical safety, and its commitment to the protection of health and the environment. This new strategy equips ECHA to continue its successful implementation of its agenda into the future.”
Main elements of the strategy – goals and priorities
Be a trusted chemicals agency
Respond to emerging challenges and changes in our legal landscape
Communicate and engage
Lead on chemical knowledge and expertise; and
Invest in people and organisational excellence.
Further information
ECHA's Strategy Statement 2024-28 [PDF]
Press contact: Tiiu Bräutigam,, +358 40 506 9006