ECHA launches new chemicals database
ECHA CHEM is our new solution for publishing information on chemicals. The first release, available now, includes information from all REACH registrations – and there is more to come.
Helsinki, 30 January 2024 – ECHA maintains the largest chemicals database in the European Union (EU), combining industry-submitted data with information generated in the EU’s regulatory processes. ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share with the public the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency.
In the first version of ECHA CHEM, you can find information from all the over 100 000 REACH registrations that companies have submitted to ECHA. Later this year, the database will be expanded with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists.
Mercedes Viñas, ECHA’s Director of Submissions and Interaction said:
“ECHA CHEM is a significant step forward in enhancing our service for sharing data on chemicals gathered through ECHA’s current activities. It makes the information available online within a stable system and in a user-friendly manner.”
Kai Taka-aho, Director of Information Systems said:
“ECHA CHEM has been designed to be flexible technical platform capable of handling large amounts of data, and adjustable for different needs arising for example from new tasks to be assigned to ECHA. So, one could say with the technological choices made ECHA CHEM is really a future-proof solution.”
ECHA’s current Information on chemicals platform, launched in 2016, grew rapidly and contains today information on over 360 000 chemicals. In 2022, ECHA announced that it would create a new system for publishing chemicals data. ECHA CHEM allows the Agency to better handle the growing diversity and quantity of data, while taking advantage of technological advancements.
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Press contact: Mikko Väänänen,, +358 40 520 3513
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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has launched a new chemicals database, ECHA CHEM, to provide a platform for publishing information on chemicals. The primary objective is to share the growing amount of data hosted by ECHA with the public in a user-friendly and stable manner. This initiative aims to enhance the service for sharing chemical data gathered through ECHA’s current activities.
The new database has been designed to handle large amounts of data and is flexible enough to adjust to different needs that may arise from new tasks assigned to ECHA. This technological advancement ensures that ECHA CHEM is a future-proof solution, capable of accommodating the growing diversity and quantity of chemical data.
Effects on Industry
The launch of ECHA CHEM will have significant effects on industries that work with chemicals. The database contains information on over 100,000 REACH registrations, which companies can access online. This will enable them to better understand the regulatory requirements for their products and make informed decisions about their chemical usage.
Furthermore, the database’s expansion later this year with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists, will provide additional information for industries to consider. Companies that are not compliant with EU regulations may need to adjust their practices or risk facing penalties.
Relevant Stakeholders
The stakeholders affected by ECHA CHEM include:
- Chemical companies: They can access and use the database to inform their decisions about chemical usage.
- Regulators: The new database will provide a platform for sharing data on chemicals, enabling regulators to better oversee compliance with EU regulations.
- Consumers: While not directly impacted by the launch of ECHA CHEM, consumers may benefit from increased transparency and accountability in the chemical industry.
Next Steps
To comply with or respond to this update, industries should:
- Review their current practices for chemical usage and ensure they are compliant with EU regulations.
- Access the ECHA CHEM database to gain a better understanding of regulatory requirements and make informed decisions about their products.
- Prepare for potential changes in regulatory lists and classification systems.
Any Other Relevant Information
The launch of ECHA CHEM is part of ECHA’s efforts to enhance its service for sharing chemical data. The new database will continue to expand with additional information, including the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory and regulatory lists. This initiative demonstrates ECHA’s commitment to transparency and accountability in the chemical industry.
In related future actions, ECHA plans to explore further technological advancements to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its services. Historically, ECHA has prioritized the sharing of chemical data with the public through its Information on chemicals platform, which contains information on over 360,000 chemicals.