
"On 23/01/2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) issued an update regarding ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the Candidate List". The updated Candidate List now contains 240 entries for substances of very high concern. Companies have legal obligations when their substance is included in the list, including providing customers with information on safe use and notifying ECHA about articles containing these substances. This update aims to protect people and the environment from potential harm caused by these hazardous chemicals.

ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the Candidate List
The Candidate List of substances of very high concern now contains 240 entries for chemicals that can harm people or the environment. Companies are responsible for managing the risks of these chemicals and giving customers and consumers information on their safe use.
Helsinki, 23 January 2024 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added five new chemicals to the Candidate List. One of them is toxic for reproduction, three are very persistent and very bioaccumulative and one is toxic for reproduction and persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. They are found in products such as inks and toners, adhesives and sealants and washing and cleaning products.
The Agency has also updated the existing Candidate List entry for dibutyl phthalate to include its endocrine disrupting properties for the environment.
Entries added to the Candidate List on 23 January 2024:

Substance name
EC number
CAS number
Reason for inclusion
Examples of uses




Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT)
(Article 57d)

Manufacture of another substance; formulation of mixtures and in fuel products.

Very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB)
(Article 57e)
Air care products, coating products, adhesives and sealants, lubricants and greases, polishes and waxes and washing and cleaning products.

Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)
Inks and toners, coating products.

(Article 57e)

Coating products, adhesives and sealants and washing and cleaning products.

Oligomerisation and alkylation reaction products of 2-phenylpropene and phenol

(Article 57e)
Adhesives and sealants, coating products, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, inks and toners and polymers.

Dibutyl phthalate (updated entry)
Endocrine disrupting properties
(Article 57(f) – environment)

Metal working fluids, washing and cleaning products, laboratory chemicals and polymers.

ECHA’s Member State Committee has confirmed the addition of these substances to the Candidate List. The list now contains 240 entries – some are groups of chemicals so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher.
These substances may be placed on the Authorisation List in the future. If a substance is on that list, companies cannot use it unless they apply for authorisation and the European Commission authorises its continued use.
Consequences of the Candidate List
Under REACH, companies have legal obligations when their substance is included – either on its own, in mixtures or in articles – in the Candidate List.
If an article contains a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % (weight by weight), suppliers have to give their customers and consumers information on how to use it safely. Consumers have the right to ask suppliers if the products they buy contain substances of very high concern.
Importers and producers of articles have to notify ECHA if their article contains a Candidate List substance within six months from the date it has been included in the list (23 January 2024).
EU and EEA suppliers of substances on the Candidate List, supplied either on their own or in mixtures, have to update the safety data sheet they provide to their customers.
Under the Waste Framework Directive, companies also have to notify ECHA if the articles they produce contain substances of very high concern in a concentration above 0.1 % (weight by weight). This notification is published in ECHA’s database of substances of concern in products (SCIP).

Further information

Candidate List of SVHCs for authorisation
Summary of obligations resulting from inclusion in the Candidate List
How to notify substances in articles
SCIP database of substances of concern in products

Press contact: Hanna-Kaisa Torkkeli,, +358 50 416 8585

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added five hazardous chemicals to the Candidate List, which now contains 240 entries for substances that can harm people or the environment. The purpose of this update is to inform companies and consumers about the risks associated with these chemicals and to ensure their safe use.

Effects on Industry:
The addition of these chemicals to the Candidate List will have significant implications for industries such as manufacturing, production, and distribution. Companies will be required to manage the risks associated with these substances, provide information to customers and consumers on their safe use, and notify ECHA if their products contain these substances. This may lead to changes in product formulations, packaging, and labeling, as well as increased costs for compliance.

Relevant Stakeholders:
The following stakeholders are affected by this update:

  • Companies that manufacture, produce, or distribute products containing the Candidate List chemicals
  • Consumers who purchase products containing these substances
  • Importers and producers of articles that contain Candidate List substances
  • EU and EEA suppliers of substances on the Candidate List
  • Waste management companies and organizations

Next Steps:
Companies affected by this update must take the following steps:

  • Update their product formulations, packaging, and labeling to reflect the risks associated with these chemicals
  • Provide information to customers and consumers on the safe use of products containing these substances
  • Notify ECHA if their articles contain Candidate List substances within six months from the date of inclusion (23 January 2024)
  • Update their safety data sheets for mixtures containing Candidate List substances

Any Other Relevant Information:
The Candidate List is a key component of the EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation. The list identifies substances that may harm people or the environment, and companies have legal obligations to manage these risks. The update to the Candidate List also highlights the importance of transparency and information sharing between companies, consumers, and regulatory authorities.

In addition to the immediate effects on industry, this update may have long-term implications for product design, innovation, and environmental sustainability. Companies will need to balance their business goals with their responsibilities to protect people and the environment.

The European Commission’s authorization process for substances on the Candidate List provides a framework for companies to continue using these chemicals while minimizing their risks. However, companies must apply for authorization and demonstrate that they can manage the risks associated with these substances.

The SCIP database of substances of concern in products will also be updated to reflect the changes to the Candidate List. This database is an important tool for waste management companies and organizations to ensure compliance with EU regulations.

Overall, this update highlights the importance of responsible chemical management and the need for companies, consumers, and regulatory authorities to work together to protect people and the environment.

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

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