
"On "11/02/2025", the "Korea Communications Commission (KCC)" issued an update regarding "Discussing major issues and issues around the world in the field of broadcasting and communication". The International Institute of Communications hosted the event, which brought together experts from Asia to discuss pressing topics such as AI industry policies, digital infrastructure investments, and digital inclusion. The KCC introduced its main policy initiatives at the forum, highlighting international trends and cooperation opportunities in the broadcasting and telecommunications sector."

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보도시점2025. 2. 11.(화) 배포 시점배포 2025. 2. 11.(화) 10:00방송통신 분야 전 세계 주요 이슈·현안 논의- ‘아시아 디지털 통신·미디어 포럼’ 참석, 주요 추진 정책 소개 – 방송통신 분야 전 세계 주요 이슈와 현황을 공유하며 아시아 각국 전문가가 함께 현안을 논의하는 자리가 마련됐다. 방송통신위원회(위원장 이진숙)는 11일 서울에서 열린 ‘아시아 디지털 통신·미디어 포럼’에 참석, 방송통신 분야 주요 추진 정책을 소개했다. 방송통신 분야 국제 동향 분석 및 협력 증진을 위해 1969년 설립된 국제방송통신기구(International Institue of Communications)가 주최한 이번 행사에는 방통위 김태규 부위원장이 참석해 환영사를 전했다. 김 부위원장은 이날 환영사를 통해 “방송과 통신, 정보통신기술(ICT)은 인류 발전을 선도한 핵심 산업이지만 급격한 변화 속 수많은 도전에 직면해 있다”며 “아시아 각국 전문가와 함께 현안을 논의하고 정책 방향을 공유하는 등 상호 협력해 국제적 교류를 활성화해 나가자”고 제안했다. 국제방송통신기구는 영국 런던에 본부를 둔 비영리 국제기구로, 전 세계 55개국 56개 규제기관 등이 회원으로 구성되어 있다. 한편 이날 행사는 11~12일 서울에서 진행되며 싱가포르, 태국, 캄보디아, 몽골, 홍콩, 대만 등 방송통신 규제기관 참가자를 포함해 산업계·학계 등에서 참석해 인공지능(AI) 산업 정책, 디지털 인프라 투자, 디지털 포용 등 방송통신 분야 현안에 대해 다양하게 다룬다.
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담당 부서기획조정관책임자과 장 엄정환(02-2110-1331)국제협력담당관담당자사무관한지혜(02-2110-1358)

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The Broadcasting Commission of South Korea participated in the “Asia Digital Communications and Media Forum” on February 11, 2025, to discuss pressing issues and trends in the broadcasting and telecommunications industry. The purpose of this event was to share international developments and foster cooperation among experts from various Asian countries.

Effects on Industry
The forum’s discussions on AI industry policies, digital infrastructure investments, and digital inclusion will have a significant impact on the broadcasting and telecommunications industries. These topics will shape the future direction of the sector, influencing how companies operate, and consumers interact with media and technology. The event’s outcomes may lead to revised policies or guidelines for industry stakeholders, potentially affecting business operations, service offerings, and market trends.

Relevant Stakeholders
The primary stakeholders affected by this event include:

  • Broadcasting and telecommunications regulatory agencies from participating countries (e.g., Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan)
  • Industry professionals and experts from various sectors (technology, media, academia)
  • Consumers relying on broadcasting and telecommunications services
  • Companies operating in the broadcasting and telecommunications industries

These stakeholders will need to consider the potential implications of the forum’s discussions and outcomes on their businesses, operations, and relationships with consumers.

Next Steps
To comply with or respond to the outcomes of this event, relevant stakeholders should:

  • Monitor official announcements and publications from the Broadcasting Commission of South Korea and other participating agencies
  • Review and analyze the discussion topics, policy proposals, and recommendations emerging from the forum
  • Engage in dialogue with industry peers, experts, and regulatory bodies to understand the potential impact on their businesses and operations
  • Consider adjustments to business strategies, service offerings, or market positioning in response to emerging trends and policies

Any Other Relevant Information
The International Institute of Communications (IIC), a non-profit international organization based in London, hosted this event. The IIC has 55 member countries and 56 regulatory agencies participating in its activities. This forum is part of the IIC’s efforts to promote international cooperation and knowledge sharing among broadcasting and telecommunications regulators and experts worldwide.

Korea Communications Commission (KCC)

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