

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published a guidance document regarding a correction to the designs register under section 21, specifically for registered design number 6288988. The correction involves the omission of an image and affects an owner of a registered design, applicant for registration, and others who have an interest. The IPO is offering an opportunity to object to the correction through a hearing process, which can be requested within 28 days from the date of notice. The correction will be made after the objection period has expired.


Correction to the designs register under section 21: 6288988

Published 11 September 2023

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We have become aware that we have omitted an image in respect of the following registered design number 6288988.

Black and white vertical lines (some thicker and some thinner lines)

Opportunity to object

To make this correction we are using the process set out at section 21 of the Registered Designs Act 1949. Under this process, owners of registered designs, an applicant for the registration of a design, and others who have an interest, may request a hearing if they do not think the register should be corrected. We will offer this opportunity when we write to the owners of affected designs (or their representative).

If you have an interest in the registered design and are not the owner of the right, you must contact us within 28 days from the date of this notice if you would like a hearing. A hearing is a formal process where you will be given the opportunity to explain your case to a senior official known as a Hearing Officer.

When the correction will be made

The correction will be made after the 28 days to request a hearing has expired. The corrected information will be visible on our Find a registered design service.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused. If you have queries regarding this notice, please contact us on the following email address:

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The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published guidance on a correction being made to the Designs Register under Section 21, regarding registered design number 6288988. The correction involves the addition of an omitted image to the registered design. The IPO will be using the process outlined in Section 21 of the Registered Designs Act 1949 to make this correction.

According to the guidance, the owners of registered designs, applicants for registration, and other parties who have an interest in the design have the opportunity to object to the correction. The IPO will invite the owners of affected designs (or their representatives) to request a hearing if they do not agree with the correction. Additionally, if other parties have an interest in the registered design and are not the owner of the right, they must contact the IPO within 28 days from the date of the notice to request a hearing.

The hearing process is a formal process where the individuals will be given the opportunity to explain their case to a senior official, known as a Hearing Officer. Following the 28-day period to request a hearing, the correction will be made, and the updated information will be available on the IPO’s Find a registered design service.

The IPO apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this error and invites queries regarding the notice to be sent to the email address

Intellectual Property Office

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