

The Controladoria-Geral da Uniu00e3o (CGU) has applied and maintained sanctions for lack of suitability to four companies involved in illegal acts in the Public Administration. The decisions were published in the Official Gazette (DOU) on October 17th. The sanctions include:

Pedrasul Construtora S.A: responsible for fraud in public tenders promoted by VALEC Engenharia, Construu00e7u00f5es e Ferrovias S.A. The company was penalized with a declaration of unsuitability for bidding or contracting with the Public Administration.
Construtora Barbosa Mello S.A, CR Almeida S/A, and Galvu00e3o Engenharia S.A: these companies were also involved in the same fraudulent scheme and were penalized with a declaration of unsuitability for bidding or contracting with the Public Administration, which was maintained after their appeals were rejected.

Key Points:

The CGU applied sanctions for lack of suitability to four companies involved in illegal acts.
The sanctions include declarations of unsuitability for bidding or contracting with the Public Administration.
The companies will be listed in the Cadastro de Empresas Inidu00f4neas e Suspensas (CEIS) if they do not appeal the decision or if their appeals are rejected.
The listing in the CEIS will only occur after the appeal process is complete.

A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) aplicou e manteve sanções de inidoneidade junto a mais quatro empresas envolvidas em atos ilícitos na Administração Pública. As decisões foram publicadas no Diário Oficial da União (DOU) desta terça-feira (17/10). CONHEÇA ABAIXO OS DETALHES DAS DECISÕES: Fraude em licitações da VALEC A Pedrasul Construtora S.A foi responsabilizada por ter


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A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) aplicou e manteve sanções de inidoneidade junto a mais quatro empresas envolvidas em atos ilícitos na Administração Pública. As decisões foram publicadas no Diário Oficial da União (DOU) desta terça-feira (17/10). CONHEÇA ABAIXO OS DETALHES DAS DECISÕES: Fraude em licitações da VALEC A Pedrasul Construtora S.A foi responsabilizada por ter


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Comptroller General of Brazil

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