

The 124th Plenary Session of the Federal Labor Council was held in Paranu00e1, Entre Ru00edos, presided over by Minister Kelly Olmos and attended by Labor Ministers from across the country. The meeting focused on various topics such as health, social security, labor unionism, prevention of child labor, and gender equality. During the two-day session, the 12 commissions of the Federal Labor Council met, and participants presented their experiences and projects. Secretary of Management and Employment, Ana Castellani, presented federal employment and training actions implemented by the Federal Public Function Council (CoFeFuP) since 2020, as well as the results of the Public Employment Strengthening policy implemented during 2020-2023.

Six main axes were highlighted to strengthen and improve public employment: strengthening the administrative career, expanding and diversifying training offers, strengthening collective bargaining, improving management capacities, and enhancing conditions for greater inclusion and equality in the public labor market.

Se realizó la 124° reunión plenaria del Consejo Federal del Trabajo en Paraná, Entre Ríos, encabezada por la ministra Kelly Olmos y con la participación de los ministros y ministras de Trabajo de todo el país. Durante dos jornadas de trabajo, funcionarios/as y representantes de áreas de trabajo de distintas jurisdicciones abordaron temas como salud, seguridad social y previsional, prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil, género e igualdad de oportunidades, negociación colectiva e integración regional.

Durante el encuentro se llevaron a cabo las reuniones de las 12 comisiones del Consejo Federal del Trabajo y se presentaron trabajos y experiencias de los distintos organismos.

La secretaria de Gestión y Empleo, Ana Castellani, presentó todas las acciones federales de empleo y capacitación del sector público realizadas desde el Consejo Federal de la Función Pública (CoFeFuP) y los resultados de las políticas de Fortalecimiento del Empleo Público implementadas durante 2020-2023

En relación al trabajo realizado por el CoFeFuP, Castellani enumeró todo lo ya consolidado: realización del Mapa del Empleo Público Provincial, tres ediciones del Congreso Federal de Empleo Público ya realizadas (Santiago del Estero en 2021, Río Negro en 2022 y La Rioja en 2023), el Plan Federal de Capacitación que alcanza a funcionarios y trabajadores provinciales y municipales, con el diseño del INAP y el CoFeFuP y a través de 22 universidades nacionales; la Red Federal de Capacitación, las guías de prevención de la violencia de género en el ámbito laboral y la investigación sobre brechas de género en la Dirección Pública Provincial.

Durante la segunda jornada, Castellani presentó los resultados de las políticas de Fortalecimiento del Empleo Público diseñadas e implementadas durante el período 2020-2023 en el ámbito nacional. La funcionaria destacó seis ejes principales para fortalecer y jeraquizar el empleo público: fortalecimiento de la carrera administrativa; ampliación y diversificación de la oferta de capacitación; fortalecimiento de la negociación colectiva, fortalecimiento de las capacidades de gestión y así como también de las condiciones que permiten una mayor inclusión e igualdad en el ámbito laboral estatal.

Para conocer más sobre los resultados de las principales políticas públicas que desde diciembre de 2019 han sido diseñadas e implementadas para fortalecer y mejorar la calidad del Empleo Público, hacer click acá

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On [Date], the 124th Plenary Session of the Federal Labour Council was held in Paranu00e1, Entre Ru00edos, presided over by Minister Kelly Olmos and attended by ministers and secretaries of Labour from across the country. The meeting spanned two days, during which officials and representatives from various branches of government discussed several key topics, including health, social security, and child labour prevention, as well as gender equality, collective bargaining, and regional integration.

Twelve commissions of the Federal Labour Council held meetings, and presentations were made by various organizations on their work and experiences. Ana Castellani, Secretary of Management and Employment, presented on the federal actions and training programs implemented by the Public Function Council (CoFeFuP) and the results of the Public Employment Strengthening policy implemented between 2020-2023.

Castellani highlighted the milestones achieved by CoFeFuP, including the development of the Provincial Public Employment Map, the organization of three editions of the Public Employment Federal Congress, and the design of the Public Employment Training Plan, which has reached provincial and municipal public officials through 22 national universities. She also mentioned the creation of the Federal Capacitation Network, guides for preventing gender-based violence in the workplace, and research on gender gaps in the Provincial Public Direction.

During the second day, Castellani presented the results of the Public Employment Strengthening policies designed and implemented between 2020-2023, focusing on six key areas: strengthening the administrative career, expanding and diversifying training opportunities, strengthening collective bargaining, enhancing management capacities, and improving conditions for greater inclusion and equality in the public labour market. To learn more about the results of the major public policies designed to strengthen and improve public employment, please click here.

Note: The provided document is in Spanish, and this summary has been translated to facilitate understanding. The original document may contain additional details or nuances that are not reflected in this summary.

Authority of Management and Public Employment

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