

The Brazilian Superintendence-General of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) has granted a preventive measure to the Association of High-Complexity Hospitals of the State of Goiu00e1s (Ahpaceg) and its associate hospitals, prohibiting them from collectively negotiating medical-hospital service prices, price adjustments, and commercial conditions with health plan operators (OPSs). The measure was taken in an investigation (Inquu00e9rito Administrativo nu00ba 08700.004116/2023-37) following a complaint by Unimed Goiu00e2nia, alleging that Ahpaceg and its associates have been engaging in collective price negotiation and imposing price changes on OPSs, which may limit competition and harm consumers. This decision is similar to a previous case in 2020, where an association of hospitals in the state of Cearu00e1 was condemned for similar practices.

A Superintendência-Geral do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) decidiu, nesta terça-feira (12/09), pela concessão de medida preventiva que determina que a Associação dos Hospitais de Alta Complexidade do Estado de Goiás (Ahpaceg), bem como seus associados, se abstenham de negociar coletivamente valores de serviços médico-hospitalares, reajustes de preços e condições comerciais com operadores de plano de saúde (OPSs). A decisão foi tomada no âmbito do Inquérito Administrativo nº 08700.004116/2023-37. 

O inquérito foi instaurado a partir de representação da Unimed Goiânia, que acusou a Ahpaceg e seus associados de agirem coletivamente na negociação de valores de taxas e diárias, materiais, medicamentos, honorários, dietas enterais e parenterais, serviços de apoio ao diagnóstico e órteses e próteses (OPME), bem como de imporem reajustes de preços e praticarem boicotes a mudanças de procedimentos propostas pelas OPSs.  

A investigação busca identificar se a conduta supostamente adotada pela Ahpaceg conta com a participação colusiva de seus associados ou se ela se estende a outros operadores de plano de saúde. O inquérito também investiga a possibilidade de outras entidades coletivas, como associações e sindicatos, adotarem a mesma prática no mercado de prestação de serviços médico-hospitalares no Estado de Goiás.   

A negociação de preços supostamente adotada pela associação pode configurar restrição à livre concorrência entre os hospitais e demais prestadores de serviços médico-hospitalares, provocando elevação de preços dos planos de saúde e consequente prejuízo aos consumidores de serviços de saúde suplementar.  

Em 2020, o Tribunal do Cade julgou um caso semelhante e decidiu pela condenação da Associação dos Hospitais do Estado do Ceará (AHECE) e de alguns hospitais afiliados por imporem coletivamente a operadores de plano de saúde locais preços de determinados serviços e reajustes dos valores contratados. Naquele caso, a Superintendência-Geral da autarquia também impôs medida preventiva, determinando à associação e seus membros a abstenção de atuação coletiva na negociação de preços e condições comerciais.  




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On September 12, 2023, the Superintendu00eancia-Geral of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) issued a preventative measure, ordering the Association of High-Complexity Hospitals of the State of Goiu00e1s (Ahpaceg), as well as its affiliated members, to refrain from collectively negotiating values for medical-hospital services, price adjustments, and commercial conditions with operators of health plans (OPSs).

The investigation was launched following a representation by Unimed Goiu00e2nia, which accused Ahpaceg and its affiliated members of acting collectively in the negotiation of fees, materials, medicines, and services related to diagnosis and orthotics, among other things. The investigation aims to identify whether Ahpaceg’s alleged conduct involves collusive participation of its affiliated members or extends to other health plan operators. Additionally, the probe examines the possibility of other collective entities, such as associations and unions, adopting similar practices in the medical-hospital services market in the State of Goiu00e1s.

The allegedly adopted negotiation of prices by Ahpaceg may constitute a restriction on the free competition between hospitals and other medical-hospital service providers, leading to increased prices for health plans and ultimately causing harm to consumers of supplementary health services.

In 2020, the Cade tribunal ruled a similar case, condemning the Association of Hospitals of the State of Cearu00e1 (AHECE) and some affiliated hospitals for collectively imposing prices and adjusting values of certain services on local health plan operators. In that case, the Superintendu00eancia-Geral also imposed a preventative measure, ordering the association and its members to abstain from collective action in negotiating prices and commercial conditions.

Overall, the preventative measure aims to prevent the alleged anticompetitive practices and protect the free competition and consumer interests in the health services market in the State of Goiu00e1s.

Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE)

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