
Here is a summary of the document:


Minister Vinu00edcius de Carvalho, head of the Brazilian Control and Accountability Office (CGU), spoke at the opening of the 13th Brazilian Regulation Congress in Su00e3o Paulo, highlighting the challenges of ecological transition and digital economy. He emphasized the need for a recent plan aimed at ecological transition, involving actions in finance, biotechnology, circular economy, infrastructure, and technological transition. The minister also emphasized the impact of digital economy on regulatory models, encouraging competition in various sectors. The event featured panels, presentations, and topics on regulatory challenges, including governance, control, sanitation, water resources, health, oil, and gas, energy, transportation, and logistics.

Main Points:

The congress aims to discuss regulatory challenges in Brazil
Minister Vinu00edcius de Carvalho highlighted the importance of ecological transition and digital economy
The Brazilian government has a plan for ecological transition, involving several sectors
The digital economy impacts regulatory models, encouraging competition
* The event features panels and presentations on various topics, including governance, control, and infrastructure.

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O ministro da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU), Vinícius de Carvalho, participou, nesta quarta-feira (18/10), em São Paulo (SP), da abertura do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação. O evento, promovido pela Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), é o maior do setor na América Latina e reúne autoridades públicas (governos federal, estaduais e municipais), representantes do


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O ministro da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU), Vinícius de Carvalho, participou, nesta quarta-feira (18/10), em São Paulo (SP), da abertura do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação. O evento, promovido pela Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), é o maior do setor na América Latina e reúne autoridades públicas (governos federal, estaduais e municipais), representantes do


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Comptroller General of Brazil

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