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보도시점배포 즉시배포2025. 2. 4.(화)식약처, 인체이식 의료기기장기추적조사 제도 도입 – 의료기기 장기추적조사 법적근거 마련…올해 8월 시행 – 실사용 정보를 제출받아 수집·분석하여 예상치 못한 이상사례 조기에 탐지 식품의약품안전처(처장 오유경)는 인체 삽입 후 부작용 우려가 큰 인체이식 의료기기의 안전관리 강화를 위해 의료기기 장기추적조사 제도를 도입하는 내용의 「의료기기법」을 1월 31일 개정·공포했다고 밝혔다. 의료기기 장기추적조사는 ➊인체 삽입 후 부작용이 자주 발생할 우려가 있는 의료기기*를 별도로 정하고, ➋해당 품목별로 수집이 필요한 실사용 정보**를 참여 의료기관으로부터 제출받아 ➌예상치 못한 이상사례를 조기에 탐지하고, 신속 조치하는 제도이다. * (예시) 인공관절, 인공유방, 이식형심장박동기 등 ** 장기추적조사대상 의료기기의 시술환경 및 이상사례, 시술 환자의 건강정보 등 < 인체이식 의료기기 주요 안전관리 제도 >이상사례 보고책임배상보험장기추적조사(신규)이식 의료기기 사용 중 발생한 중대한 부작용 인지한 경우 취급자가 식약처장에게 보고이식 의료기기로 인한 환자 피해배상을 위한 보험·공제이식 의료기기 사용 초기부터 실사용정보 수집·평가하여 부작용 예측 및 신속 조치 * 이 외에도 시판후조사, 재평가, 품목갱신, 인과관계조사 및 업체점검 등으로 관리함 장기추적조사는 ’19년 국내에서 인공유방에 의한 림프종(BIA-ALCL*)이 발생한 후 국내 인공유방 이식환자의 부작용 모니터링 강화를 목적으로 도입되며, 식약처는 3년간의 시범사업을 통해 운영 기반을 마련했다. * 역형성 대세포 림프종(BIA-ALCL, Breast Implant Associated – Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) : 면역체계와 관련된 암의 한 종류로 유방암과는 별개의 질환- 2 –
식약처는 동 공포안이 올해 8월부터 시행되는 만큼 장기추적조사 방법과 절차 등 법률에서 위임한 세부 사항을 신속히 마련할 계획이며, 앞으로도 국민에게 안전한 의료기기 사용 환경 제공을 위하여 다양한 정책을 발굴하고 합리적으로 운영할 것이라고 밝혔다. 개정된 의료기기법은 ‘국가법령정보센터(www.law.go.kr)’ 또는 ‘식약처 대표 누리집(www.mfds.go.kr) → 법령 자료 → 법령정보 → 법·시행령·시행규칙’에서 확인할 수 있다.담당 부서의료기기안전국책임자과 장 가정훈(043-719-5001)의료기기안전평가과담당자사무관김국한(043-719-5002)
On 04/02/2025, the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) issued an update regarding "Ministry of Food and Drug Safety introduces long-term follow-up investigation system for medical devices implanted in human body". This system aims to enhance safety management of high-risk medical devices, such as implants, by collecting real-world data from participating hospitals and detecting unexpected adverse events.
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The South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has revised the Medical Devices Act to introduce a long-term tracking system for medical devices, specifically for implants that have a high risk of complications. This system aims to enhance safety management and detect unexpected adverse events early.
The revision was made on January 31, 2025, and takes effect immediately. The MFDS plans to establish detailed procedures for the long-term tracking system within a short period, as it is scheduled to be implemented in August 2025.
Effects on Industry
The introduction of the long-term tracking system is expected to have a significant impact on the medical device industry in South Korea. Manufacturers and importers of medical devices will need to comply with the new regulations, which include:
- Designating high-risk medical devices for separate tracking
- Collecting and analyzing real-world data from participating hospitals to detect unexpected adverse events early
- Implementing measures to prevent or mitigate these events
This system is expected to enhance safety management and improve patient outcomes. The MFDS will also work with industry stakeholders to ensure a smooth implementation of the new regulations.
Relevant Stakeholders
The revised Medical Devices Act affects various stakeholders, including:
- Manufacturers and importers of medical devices
- Hospitals and healthcare providers that use medical devices
- Patients who undergo procedures using implantable devices
- Regulatory authorities responsible for enforcing the new regulations
These stakeholders will need to adapt to the changes in regulations and reporting requirements.
Next Steps
To comply with the revised Medical Devices Act, manufacturers and importers of high-risk medical devices should:
- Review their products and processes to determine if they are subject to the long-term tracking system
- Develop and implement procedures for collecting and analyzing real-world data
- Train staff on new regulations and reporting requirements
Hospitals and healthcare providers will need to participate in the long-term tracking system by submitting required data. Patients should be aware of their rights and options regarding medical device safety.
Any Other Relevant Information
The MFDS plans to provide training and support for industry stakeholders to ensure a smooth implementation of the revised Medical Devices Act. The agency will also continue to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the long-term tracking system, making adjustments as necessary.
The introduction of this system is part of broader efforts by the MFDS to improve medical device safety in South Korea. Other initiatives include strengthening inspection and testing procedures, enhancing post-market surveillance, and promoting transparency and accountability within the industry.
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