
On "13/01/2025", the "Federal Service for Standardization and Metrology" issued an update regarding "New version of recommendation for assessment of the state of measurements in laboratories approved". This updated standard, MII 2427-2024, incorporates various improvements, including enhanced rules for conducting measurement evaluation works.


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Утверждена новая редакция рекомендации оценки состояния измерений в лабораториях

13 января 2025

Совместная разработка ФБУ «НИЦ ПМ – Ростест» и ФГУП «ВНИИМ им. Д.И. Менделеева» – МИ 2427-2024 «ГСИ. Оценка состояния измерений в испытательных, измерительных лабораториях и лабораториях производственного и аналитического контроля» содержит ряд обновлений, связанных с совершенствованием порядка выполнения работ по оценке состояния измерений.

Изменения в МИ 2427 внесены с учетом предложений ряда государственных региональных центров стандартизации и метрологии, а также опыта применения предыдущей редакции в период 2022-2024 гг.

МИ 2427-2024 устанавливает правила ведения в ФБУ «НИЦ ПМ – Ростест» единого реестра лабораторий, подтвердивших наличие необходимых условий для выполнений измерений, включая его размещение на сайте организации.

В реестре также изменены условия регистрации государственных научных метрологических институтов (ГНМИ) и региональных центров стандартизации и метрологии (ЦСМ), включая обязательное наличие не менее двух специалистов в организации, прошедших необходимое обучение.

Свидетельства о регистрации ГНМИ и ЦСМ в реестре организаций Росстандарта, проводящих работы по оценке состояния измерений в лабораториях, действуют в течение 5 лет с даты их выдачи в соответствии с п.10.6 МИ 2427-2024.

Помимо этого МИ 2427-2024 устанавливает требования к лабораториям, в частности к персоналу, оборудованию, методикам измерений, условиям выполнения измерений, документам и записям и др.

Новая редакция вводит инспекционный контроль деятельности лабораторий на договорной основе и уточняет порядок оформления, переоформления, приостановления или прекращения действия заключений и т.д.

МИ 2427-2024 зарегистрирована в ФБУ «НИЦ ПМ – Ростест» 26 декабря 2024 г. и вводится в действие с 15 января 2025 г.

Подробнее о деятельности отдела научно-методических основ деятельности метрологических служб в сфере госрегулирования

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The primary objective of revising the “Recommendation for Evaluating the State of Measurements in Laboratories” (MIE 2427-2024) is to improve the order of carrying out works on evaluating the state of measurements, taking into account proposals from various regional centers for standardization and metrology, as well as the experience of applying previous editions.

Effects on Industry:
The update introduces significant changes in the field of laboratory measurement evaluation, affecting various industries that rely on accurate measurements. The revised MIE 2427-2024 establishes rules for maintaining a unified register of laboratories that have confirmed their ability to perform measurements, including placing it on the organization’s website. This will enhance transparency and accountability in the laboratory testing process.

The updated document also introduces new requirements for personnel, equipment, measurement methods, conditions for performing measurements, documents, and records. Furthermore, it introduces an inspection control mechanism for laboratories on a contractual basis, which will ensure that laboratories adhere to established standards and regulations.

These changes are expected to have far-reaching implications for industries that rely heavily on laboratory testing, such as the pharmaceutical industry, food safety, and environmental monitoring. Companies and organizations must adapt to these new requirements to maintain their credibility and compliance with regulatory bodies.

Relevant Stakeholders:
The revised MIE 2427-2024 affects a wide range of stakeholders, including:

  • Laboratory personnel and managers responsible for ensuring that measurements are carried out in accordance with established standards.
  • Organizations that rely on laboratory testing for their operations, such as pharmaceutical companies, food manufacturers, and environmental monitoring agencies.
  • Regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing laboratory activities, such as Rosstandart (Russian Accreditation Service).
  • Consumers who benefit from accurate measurement results, including the general public.

Next Steps:
To comply with the revised MIE 2427-2024, laboratories must:

  • Update their internal procedures and protocols to align with the new requirements.
  • Register with the unified register of laboratories and maintain their registration status.
  • Ensure that personnel involved in measurement activities have received necessary training and education.
  • Implement inspection control mechanisms for their laboratory activities on a contractual basis.

Organizations relying on laboratory testing must also take steps to adapt to these changes, including updating their supply chain management processes and ensuring that they work with accredited laboratories that meet the revised MIE 2427-2024 standards.

Any Other Relevant Information:
The revised MIE 2427-2024 is a significant step towards improving the accuracy and reliability of measurements in Russia. By establishing a unified register of laboratories and introducing inspection control mechanisms, this update aims to enhance transparency and accountability in laboratory activities.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, the revised MIE 2427-2024 also introduces new requirements for state scientific metrological institutes (GSMIs) and regional centers for standardization and metrology (RCMs). These organizations must have at least two specialists who have received necessary training and education.

The revised MIE 2427-2024 was registered with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NIIC PM – Rostest” on December 26, 2024, and will come into effect on January 15, 2025.

Federal Service for Standardization and Metrology

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